"Hey Toot's, Let's Grab us a 6 Pack a Beer and Head to the Hitchin' Post in Idaho so I can Romp on you like I did on ya Sista last week."
The Hitching Post slogan,
"Come get married here. It takes about the same time as it took you to make "love" the first time"
"Welcome to the Hitching post, We can have you in and Out and still have the Afternoon for you to go fishing and have your New Bribe fetch you beers all day...."
OK, I'm done, What I meant to type DanR already beat me to it, so I had to come up with something else .......
My condolences...............er wrong kinda funeral , I meant Congrautlations, yeah that's it. All kidding aside, best wishes for a long and happy marriage.
And you run off and get married, without so much as a goodbye ? |oo
I'm heartbroken
That's OK, I'll get over it....in time.... a long time
Time's up, I'm over it.
Just hump alot, don't ever lie to each other, take just one minute each day, when you each get home, to just hug (don't talk), and it will go along way to a long happy life together.