May could be too early, especially the 1st week. I hunted 21A last June and the 1st week or two is usually the best time. Also, hunted the Bitterroot/Selway last fall for bears. According to some guides in the area, late May or June is best. Just my opinion, but if you really want to be...
Salmon B tag can be frustrating with the number of hunters, steepness and limited access. A lot of road hunters, but if you're willing to get off the beaten path and know where there are elk at the time, it can be a good hunt. I hunt the area about 50 days during the seasons, (cabin on the...
You might want to take a look at the Salmon River in Idaho between Challis and Northfork, fairly easy float, campgrounds, OTC tags for elk and deer, public land in most areas. Drift boats, rafts, pontoons, etc.. Other Idaho rivers would be the South Fork of the Snake, below Palisades, Henry's...
Salmon River or Henry's Fork in Idaho. Mostly whitetails on the Henry's Fork, muleys on the Salmon. I float and hunt/fish them quite a bit. Went 2 days last week and I'll do another 2-3 days next week. You will see a lot of wildlife, usually good fishing too. OTC tags, more private land along...
Been elk hunting just southwest of Salmon, snow isn't too bad, just on the higher peaks. Temperatures in the 60s. Supposed to change in the next couple of days with a storm moving through. Buddy and I got a couple of elk yesterday. Seen some good deer.
I use a lightweight bipod when there are few tree branches to use as a rest. It is a Stoney Point that attaches easily to my rifle. It allows for a steady shot, especially for longer ranges. It also doubles as a hiking stick. Out west, a lot of shots can be 200 to 300 yards and without a rest...
I hunted that unit last year, unit 28-1, most of the elk are up high. There are not a lot of roads and the OHV is not too busy, except on weekends. It can be a tough hunt, the terrain is steep and rugged and not a lot of elk. Good area for spot and stalk, we saw elk most of the days, just...
Yeah the fleshing is messing work. I watched some youtube on fleshing with a power washer. Made it easier. Still used alum, salt. etc. Sorry about the thinking it was a long time ago, you're still a young buck. Being semi-retired, I have a lot of time on my hands. There were some spots on the...
Raft the Snake River south of Jackson, rent bikes and ride along Tetons, fish Henry's Lake, see Mesa Falls, check out Dillion area, Virginia City and, bring the fly rod as 406life pointed out.
Probably a little easier these days, although I had about 25 hours into that one. Doesn't need to be like a glove if going on the wall. This tanning kit makes them soft. Trying a red fox next week that I got a day before getting the bear.
Just got a bear similar to yours, not the biggest, but at least diy with baits on a solo. I hope you saved the meat. Bear burgers are the best. Decided to tan myself w/o head and put on felt for wall hanging. Just finished. Bought a tanning kit from Cabelas and picked up some felt today. Not too...
Just got a bear in Idaho yesterday over bait. I used three 10 gallon trash cans with lids and cut a small hole in the bottom. Used ratchet straps to hold down to a tree. Put cameras on all three cans. The smaller cans with handles allow you to transport easy and move if a bear doesn't come in...
Just finished building a cabin in Idaho. Totally worth it, property taxes are low, as are utilities. Being semi retired, I spend about 1/2 my time here. Located on the Salmon River, fish out the doorstep, elk/deer hunt within a mile or two. Bear hunting right now. Appreciation on the place has...
I hunt unit 29 a lot for elk, as I have a hunting/fishing cabin in 29, and has quite a few elk. Unit 28 has been hit by wolves hard, 29 not as much. Access is decent and most drainages hold elk, elevation dependent on snow conditions. Not too familiar with 30 or 48. Having horses would be a good...
I had they same happen. There are now 2 places to sign in, one is for the Idaho Fish and Game website and the other is for the 3rd party that controls the drawing results and to purchase licenses. If you're checking draw results, make sure you go to the 3rd party website.
I've hunted the Lolo area 3 times for moose and twice for bear. Know the area fairly well. Forest fires can be an issue in September. Last 2 years had to go later because of all the smoke, can't glass if that is the case. There aren't very many elk, the wolves have decimated the population...