Need a contact. Palisades ID


New member
Jul 14, 2017
I'm headed to Palisades in Sept with a buddy and horses. Lived and hunted in Utah for several years, so I have an idea what we're getting into. Ive never hunted ID before and have been trying for weeks to contact a biologist
to answer a list of questions about the area, but haven't found anyone who will call me back. Does anyone have a Biologist or Game Warden number or name that i could call? Or any help to get started would be greatly appreciated. We're wondering about parking the horse trailer and camping mostly. Google Earth and OnX don't show a whole bunch of access which I don't mind, as long as we can park. we're planning on camping at the truck until we get a feel for the area, then may pack in.
Thanks in advance.
Some people with horses camp on the west side of Palisades. Usually a few outfitters use that area. About 10 miles of good dirt road.