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What did/do you do with your bears?


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2001
North Dakota
Recently got back from my first bear hunting trip where I had an absolutely AWESOME time! Met some great folks, caught my first fish on a flyrod, saw some amazing country, listened to the loons, got to check cameras & baits every morning, and on and on and on. To put the icing on the cake I also took a bear! It isn't a big bear, but it has a cool white chevron on its chest, is well furred, and most importantly, it is mine.

I never really thought about it before going, or at least not very hard, as I didn't want to jinx myself by counting my eggs before they hatched. Now the question is, how do I want to preserve this wonderful creature and the amazing memories that go with this hunt?

I'm leaning towards either a shoulder mount or a 3/4 (which looks a lot like a 1/2 to me but who am I to question the name ;-) )in order to show off the chest area but questioning the intelligence of spending as much money on the taxidermy as I did on the hunt. Not sure if I will ever get the chance to go bear hunting again or not. Therefore, wondering if I should do something with this one, other than just have it tanned and the skull cleaned, with the knowledge that there are a lot of bigger bears in the world or just be thankful for what I have and deal with any future critters IF the time comes.

What have you folks done with your bear? (pictures please if you are willing to share)
Bears are my favourite animal to hunt. But the taxi bills can get outrageous. I have shot 7 so far so I speak from experience. I have a couple half mounts done and two rugs. Honestly I am at the point now here brats over 20” get mounted and the rest are tanned. Tanned bears look really good and are fairly cheap to get done.
Should mention rugged my first two bears which were small and half mounted the next 2 one of which was small and one was over 20”. The last four have been tanned. Always something special about your first bears
I'm having mine done in a rug. I used to think I was going to get a shoulder mount. Those make more sense with a deer where the key is the antlers. With a bear, the key is the actual animal and what you are getting is the size of the fiberglass form.
Just got a bear similar to yours, not the biggest, but at least diy with baits on a solo. I hope you saved the meat. Bear burgers are the best. Decided to tan myself w/o head and put on felt for wall hanging. Just finished. Bought a tanning kit from Cabelas and picked up some felt today. Not too much work and for less than $60, can't go wrong. Also, going to boil the skull. Here are some pics. Congrats!

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That's a little cheaper than $1k for a rug. I did a deer hide as a kid but the hide side wasn't glove like as a pro would do. I need to try it again sometime. But my deer hide was 40 hours of work.
That's a little cheaper than $1k for a rug. I did a deer hide as a kid but the hide side wasn't glove like as a pro would do. I need to try it again sometime. But my deer hide was 40 hours of work.

Probably a little easier these days, although I had about 25 hours into that one. Doesn't need to be like a glove if going on the wall. This tanning kit makes them soft. Trying a red fox next week that I got a day before getting the bear.
Those days weren't that long ago...I'm only 30. I used an old alum salt recipe but fleshing was definitely the hard part. If I did it I would tan without felt and hang by the nose. See how yours has the baldish spots near the armpits and groin? That's one thing I wanted to avoid Taxidermist can fix that somehow but I don't know how.
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my first bear i had done in a rug. now that i have the first one under my belt, i'm a bit more picky, next bear i harvest, will have to be a color phase, either blonde, chocolate or cinnamon, and then i will decide how i want it mounted, bur am leaning towards a full mount.
Yeah the fleshing is messing work. I watched some youtube on fleshing with a power washer. Made it easier. Still used alum, salt. etc. Sorry about the thinking it was a long time ago, you're still a young buck. Being semi-retired, I have a lot of time on my hands. There were some spots on the hide that came out too thin, holes I should have repaired, might try to fix myself.
Rugs for the 2 bears I got. Still waiting on the blondie to get back from the taxidermist. Should be any day now.


Just took my second bear to the taxidermist. After talking with him I went with another rug, The fur is the primary when mounting a bear. If the fur is all good a full body or rug (rug cheaper). No sense in throwing away good fur. If its been rubbed, so there bald spots then maybe consider some sort of shoulder or 3/4 mount.
I currently have one rug and one 3/4 mount. If it is a small to average size bear, I would lean heavily towards a rug or tanning the hide. Rugs turn out looking awesome on an average size bear. In my opinion, it takes a bigger bear to make the 3/4 mounts look good. Congratulations on the bear!!
Never killed a bear, but I prefer a rug or full body mount. For some reason shoulder mounts seem odd with bears. I don't care for half mounts on anything.
I like the look of a tanned hide over a rug. It's a lot cheaper and I believe has more flexibility in uses, plus you don't have that felt coming out the sides. A tanned hide can easily be hung on a wall or draped over the back of a couch. That's what I have done with my two bears and the goal is to have 4-5 different color phases all tanned and hung on a wall together. Oh and of course beetle clean the skull - thats my favorite part to display.
My last bear went about 5-1/2 feet. My local taxidermist did the rug for just a tad over $400, which I thought was reasonable, and he was able to preserve the little white patch on the chest while doing it. This is on a king-size bed; now it hangs on the wall in the living room.

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Well, so far, my one & only black bear was 7' 3" and scored 21 5/16" B&C. AZ state record that year. That earned a full body mount. $1200 back in the early 80's, which cost about equal to the hunt itself !

After dragging that mammoth around for too many years I donated it to the NC Children's Museum after Hurricane Floyd flooded it completely out.

If I tap the trigger on another bear I'm going with a rug. That was the plan back then, but........

A rug is A Lot easier to deal with. Hang it on a wall, drape it over the lounge, use as a blanket, or just lay it on the floor in front of the fire place.
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