Idaho salmon zone B tag


Jan 3, 2017
This is my plan for the 2018 season. I’ve never been into the unit before, I do have some friends that have spent some time near there and hunting it over the years. I feel like I’ve done about a lifetime of internet scouting, and phone calls so far this year and am going to make a 4 day trip to check out some of the spots I have marked in mid June . Trying to get the feel for the terrain and what to expect from the unit. Open to any advice or recommendations from people with experience on that hunt.
Will also be carrying a pocket full of other tags, general deer, wolf, bear,etc... curious to find out .
What’s the grouse population in the unit like?
Camping ⛺️ available on the road sides for a possible base camp?
Predator situation?
How bad was the 2016 winter kill?
Looks like most of the open areas are along the river. Is focusing on the north end and writing off 36b a wise choice?

Just putting the feelers out to get find out what people’s experiences have been in the area.
My general hunting style is basically go where the Elk are. If it requires a few days in the back country so be it and if covering roads and glassing is the way to go we can do that to. Pretty adaptable and not new to hunting or killing Elk .
Thanks for hearing me out. And good luck to everyone this year
There are approximately 4,743 hunters per elk.

There are approximately 100 grouse per hunter.

Never seen a wolf, only sign.

Plenty of camping.
Hey guys. I am new to the Hunt Talk forum and getting to know the ins and outs tonight. I wanted to throw this out there and see what I get back. I drew a New Mexico archery elk tag for unit 21B first week for the upcoming season. Does anybody have any info on this unit? I will be using an outfitter for this hunt also.
A herd of elk come down the to river at night right off of the road, opening morning it will be a chit show with boats people on the road shooting, people trying to wade across, and steelhead fisherman. The Chuckars will be laughing at everyone when this happens. There will be a lot of guys on horses too heading into the backcountry. The steelhead fishing can be decent that time of year. There are stories of guys falling trees onto roads and trails opening morning to prevent people driving into their spot. There are a few road closed areas that people hike into. This is not to scare you off, but just to let you know that there are more than a few people that hunt the Salmon. Shoup has a dinner that has a breakfast buffet and it is worth 3 times what they charge for it. I would avoid the opening weekend and go later. Montana can push elk into the north part. I would also look for wolves if possible, because they will be harassing the elk. There is a lot of country in the unit and you can get away from people in the middle of the unit. For deer I would look at 36B. Camping is pretty much available everywhere. I would not buy a bear tag unless you see one. There are bears, but with all the shooting and romping around they hide pretty good. Winter kill is probably pretty minimal in that area there is some lowland habitat that support whitetails and it probably is a decent wintering ground for other critters.
Appreciate the info, I I’ll be there for 3 weeks and am kinda expecting shtf scenario opening weekend of Elk . Will have rods to test the steelhead theory :) definitely plan on looking for wolves , and already have the bear tag in hand for next months scout trip. Especially like the tip about dinner , going to put that on the itinerary for a little break in the trip. Thanks again.
Hey guys. I am new to the Hunt Talk forum and getting to know the ins and outs tonight. I wanted to throw this out there and see what I get back. I drew a New Mexico archery elk tag for unit 21B first week for the upcoming season. Does anybody have any info on this unit? I will be using an outfitter for this hunt also.

You'd be better off starting your own thread.
Just a heads up, as of last fall, the Shoup Diner was closed down and boarded up. It's a nice drive down the canyon, but there won't be any food waiting for you at the end :(

Otherwise, what everyone else said is pretty accurate. Lots of people, but lots of ground. You can get away from people if you want to. Be in fantastic shape, that ground is STEEP. Lots of opportunity in there, good luck.
I will be there next weekend bear hunting and also there for deer/elk this fall. I know there's a bunch but I thought they limited salmon tags and didn't expect it to be so crazy. So what's the actual number of allowed hunters for the elk tag?
830 non resident and 1589 resident Elk tags for the unit. Pm if you want some places not to go on the bear hunt.
Chester i just did math total 2507 b(as per state) tags in 2650 sq mile zone...dam thats crowded! Every year i hunt a new zone in idaho and keep hoping to find a good spot thats worth coming back to and it aint happened yet and i hate crowds so already looking like be hunting different areas next year also. I guess i am spoiled in wyoming, typically i see more hunters and 4wheelers in a day in idaho than i see in a much longer season in wyoming only exception being lolo zone(which contray to what everyone says has elk, just not many). Maybe i can work my but off and find a corner thats all to myself, will definately impact how/where i scout it so thanks for heads up.
Salmon B tag can be frustrating with the number of hunters, steepness and limited access. A lot of road hunters, but if you're willing to get off the beaten path and know where there are elk at the time, it can be a good hunt. I hunt the area about 50 days during the seasons, (cabin on the Salmon), and have the best success finding elk on hard to hunt or areas with difficult access. The area is vast and probably 80% of the hunters are within 1/2 mile of the roads. The wolves have taken their share, and the B tag is weather/food dependent. The last half of the hunt has less hunters, but the elk can be pushed onto private or more remote areas during the 1st part. Just my .02
I did alright , no monsters but filled my tags on decent animals. Fair warning I had to earn my bull. There is a lot of pressure and I’m sure some people get lucky but not a lot comes easy in that area.
Thanks Chester and elker. Looking at spots in the frank Church and a couple other spots that I can get 2 or more miles from a road. Trying to get away from trails as well. Which really narrows things down. Getting there 2 days before season opens for scouting and going in super light. I am also fully prepared to eat tag soup but only if I have given it my all. I think I would be disappointed if it was easy.
Thanks Chester and elker. Looking at spots in the frank Church and a couple other spots that I can get 2 or more miles from a road. Trying to get away from trails as well. Which really narrows things down. Getting there 2 days before season opens for scouting and going in super light. I am also fully prepared to eat tag soup but only if I have given it my all. I think I would be disappointed if it was easy.

I doubt you’ll have to worry about anything coming too easy in the Middle Fork country. Things aren’t so much measured in miles from the road as they are vertical feet from the road.
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