Caribou Gear

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  1. Tom

    2012 WY Pronghorn

    Way to go Buzz, congratulations!
  2. Tom

    Marines With Embassy No Live Ammo in Egypt??

    I'm thinking I need to carry more bullets with me at more places. If they attack our emabassies, the chicken place, its pretty clear they attack us indiscriminantly. Those who attack believe we are all evil, right? They have attacked us here in our own country also. We need to be able to...
  3. Tom

    Somebody's Daughter

    Maybe the t-shirt that says: The Original Fast Food. with a pronhorn on it, I need to find one of those.
  4. Tom

    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    I don't see what's wrong with selling unused public land previously identified as so to pay the national debt as the bill says. Was that ever addressed here, anywhere around here?
  5. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    Who's we, its a Montana government web site so we must be someone different? Greenhorn doesn't want to answer my question but he wants me to play a picture game. Is the pronghorn hunt I described real hunting or not for you? Its more like a contrast, than a contest though, the pictures, but...
  6. Tom

    First Post

  7. Tom

    National data: private vs public. 59 41 there. Where the harvest info. come from?
  8. Tom

    Montana opening day bull

    Very good! Congratulations!
  9. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    Yeah, from the hunter activity point of view. Sit over a pond with the bow and wait for the pronghorn or whatever, that hunter activity is the same as sitting over a trail, a feeder barrel, wherever. Also, the animals are free to come in and get shot or free to not come in and not get shot...
  10. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    I wasn't polled either, but its a survey done every 5 years by the census bureau and its data the state fish and game people use, I've read. Yes, by several definitions, eg. legal, liscensed, etc. but no by other definitions. Would you do this, would you consider it real hunting to sit by a...
  11. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    You can cheerlead for your home state all you want, but if you bash me or Texas, just expect to get it back. Cheerleading that is bashing others is just plain crap if you ask me. Some people have fun dishing out crap, I think mainly, because they're full of crap. You don't usually do that...
  12. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    You make up shit Nemont, I don't think Texas is the only model for hunting. I do think it is way more accomplished than you appear to think, and I offer the numbers to support it. Your hunters/capita is a good thing for Montana residents, however few or many of you there are. Greater numbers...
  13. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    Flippant, oh, ok. Hey, lots of people here think its bad if more and more people live off of government handouts and not provide for ourselves. That link shows Texas as taking less stimulus money than most states per...
  14. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    Matt and Wyoming556 made some good points, private land can be hunted by the public if the state has a good management plan for it. Without access, the public land may be restricted also. All the data showed was that most hunting in this country is on private land, about 80% of it. Ben's...
  15. Tom

    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    Jose, I think we should write and ask they make sure it is a condition of the sale of all of your land that you get to hunt on it, especially most of Idaho, if that comes up in their considerations, eh? It would help pay the debt and protect your hunting even more. Call it the JoseCuervo...
  16. Tom

    National data: private vs public.

    Its a heads up, most hunting in this country is on private land. The next 5 year survey will be out in Nov. but here's some data from the latest out now. Hunting on Public and Private Lands In 2006, 12.5 million hunters 16 years old and...
  17. Tom

    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    C. Rice's speech, sounds good, eh?
  18. Tom

    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    Here's a couple of good articles about Romney and that impressive 6 minute youtube with Ryan discussing Obama care. Compare that to the movie 2016 on Obama, geesh...
  19. Tom

    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    "reconsider whether parts" You seemed to have missed those three words. Anybody would be better than Obama, but these guys are actually pretty good.
  20. Tom

    Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

    Are you going to draft some kind of response on the show to the questions they bring up? Good luck with it, if so. It would seem the basic idea that a lot of them missed is we can't let wolf populations grow unchecked, we can't let them kill wildlife and livestock uncontrolled. We have to...