National data: private vs public.


I can't speak for other states, but in MT, the private/public split in harvest is this:
70% Public
30% Private

Which is the opposite of the land ownership.
I hate to break it to the Texans here but in joining the civil war on the side of the south you relinquished your right to secede.
Private vs. public, what's more valuable? Show off some of this awesome private habitat.. Texas style.

Just for laughs.. add the available species, and cost of hunting. :D
Come on now Texas, Montana or whereever. Some private land is fabulous and well cared for.. But le,t's have a photo comparison of public vs private.

I'll start. Public land, Montana.. from my tent I can glass for 8 huntable species of big game animals, 5 purchased by residents over the counter annually for less than $100 total, 2 more species just out of sight, and grizzlies. Not to mention slammer trout fishing in a short hike. Take note of my spotter on the tripod below my tent.

Top it!
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hahaha. Montana just sucks - especially that public land! The only bad thing about it is the taxidermy bills, which aren't spent on axis deer, hogs, or armadillos.. :D
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Anything with Wiki in the title would get you laughed at if cited on a research paper in any university, including the one in Texas I went to. Nothing on any of those sites is peer reviewed and

My American History professor, at an accredited University in Texas is my source. If you want names we can look up his peer reviewed journal entries.....
My American History professor, at an accredited University in Texas is my source. If you want names we can look up his peer reviewed journal entries

You can have him back if Mother Texas secedes...and you can giggle together.:rolleyes:
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We will retain Joe Jamail to'll be thankful to let us go...and pay him for the priviledge before it's over.:D