Danr55 I am sure glad you filled me in on the muzzle break end of things. I put that information over the radio and the boys (I can't say what they said, its off color) remarked in a round about way that you must be "one tuff big SOB" to be able to handle that Bozooka! I didn't know that there...
So you thought you caught a FISH hey fisherman! Well I suppose that is a lot of stopping power for sure. I just don't know if my shoulder will take the punishment handed out by such a massive deliverer of energy. I did have an idea to have a personal like long range elk gun. I might even take it...
OK DAN, Now what is a 8x62 Durham caliber?
Do you have the ballistics on that round and could you let me know how it stacks up against the .340 Weatherby Dan.
Gee Whiskers Dan55, I do kinda understand what you are saying about the SD thing OK and thanks for taking the time to help out.
Now so far you say it is a real close match up between the two, if I follow you right.
So the other thing is what about the fact that the .358-STA has in fact a...
OK DAN, so now that we got through the school work, which one of the calibers above would do the best job at knocking down an elk at that 600 yards??? I am voting for the 338 mag right?
Now for the coyote hunting I do praise my 25-06 with a 100grain bullet, there just ain't no better in my way of thinking. If you are speaking of the Bobcat well my 222 or 22mag has served me well. Those cats are usually a lot closer anyway when I put a bead on them and drop the hammer.
Hot Damn Bcat! You best let the pentagone know we got us one of those rocket scientists doing the moderating over uon this forum of Moosie's.
Dan55 you sure got the talking part down good, you ever try selling vacuum cleaners or used cars? I am just kidding some hope you know.
So Dan you are...
Bcat I can't see that far with Bino's around my neck! Dog gone Boy, I guess I am gonna worm my way in closer through the trees or figure something out to get my shot. I would have to make one of those relay shots! You know shoot twice at 300 yards ha ha. If that don't work I will call the...
Gent's I ain't real learned about the politics issues. I just know that there is or seems to be an awful lot of mention around these parts about a one world gov't.
I think they are right, you know a few thousand rich SoB's that want to rule us all. First they got to get Old Betsy out of mine...
Fellar's just how much weight should a body put on this SD thing I am always hearing about. I have always been a fan of bigger bullets verses the little hotter ones.
My question is like if a hunter was shooting say a 338 caliber bullet out of a .340 Weatherby using a 225 grain bullet. Now lets...
Hey Boomer, good pictures of your hounds. Say what part Arkansas you hail from? You ever been around the old Gunners store in Jonesboro? I used to buy things there before it closed up.
Hey Boomer, good pictures of your hounds. Say what part Arkasas you hail from? You ever been around the old Gunners store in Jonesboro? I used to buy things there before it closed up.
Calif-Hunter, that 35 was the first thing that came to my mind, but I knew there must be some others to pick from perhaps. I am stove up some you might say, doc would say otherwise (broke up) the hands and arms is whats important for hunting. I can always hobble on a bad leg. I plan trying to...
Its been preached to me as a boy, that two heads is better than one. So I am going to rely on some of you people to help get over to the other side of the creek. I am in need of a good lever action rifle to hunt HOGS deer and possibly bear with in the very near future. Due to a slight physical...
I think some very good information has been brought about by this post. I think both Greenhorn and Bcat know what they are speaking about. If I had a big ranch, I don't by the way, and I knew the deer and elk were being taken by leaps and bounds due to the mountain lion population, yes I would...
I think some very good information has been brought about by this post. I think both Greenhorn and Bcat know what they are speaking about. If I had a big ranch, I don't by the way, and I knew the deer and elk were being taken by leaps and bounds due to the mountain lion population, yes I would...
Mountain Boomer I have one but gonna use it for duck and geese hunting next year. It's really to darn pretty to take out to the swamp ya know.
Boomer what part Arkansas you nest in? Jonesboro is gettin darn crowded, moved the city limits half way to Monnett these days.
Does anybody out there shoot any of those new magnum types in a hunting rifle. I am speaking of the 30/378 Weatherby and it's bigger brother 338/378 Weatherby also the Remington Ultra mags. I am curious about them and could ya please tell the rest of us about hunting facts in the field about them.
I got hooked on hunting gobblers about 10 years ago I guess. A friend of mine had taken up the sport it seems, but wasn't doing much about pegging that tom turkey. He was *****ing about it one day at the shed, so I told him I didn't think it could be all that much of a chore taken a bird with...