How many years and how did you get started?

Mountain Boomer

New member
Dec 10, 2000
A coment made buy CTH got me to thinking. How many years have you been hunting turkeys and what got you started?

I have been hunting turkeys since I was 14 so that makes it 12 years. Some guys stopped by the house one day and sked my dad if they could hunt our farm. My dad told them they could if they took me along. My dad always took me hunting but he didn't turkey hunt. I went the next mourning w/ those guys and we didn't hear a thing. On the way home they gave me an old box call. Every evening after school I would go to the back of the fields and squawk on my box. I had no idea what I was doing. One day a gobbler answered me and I have been hooked ever since. It took me until I was 17 to kill my first bird. It was rough teaching myself. I couldn't count all the mistakes I made those first few years....hell, I still make them...


started huntin' turkeys later in life i guess i was mmmmmmmm let me think mmmm 31 years old...but boy have i made up for it hehehe

p.s remember there was no turkey hunting season in ontario before 1988

[This message has been edited by canadian turkey hunter (edited 02-22-2001).]
I got hooked on hunting gobblers about 10 years ago I guess. A friend of mine had taken up the sport it seems, but wasn't doing much about pegging that tom turkey. He was *****ing about it one day at the shed, so I told him I didn't think it could be all that much of a chore taken a bird with shotgun. So he talked me into joining him and some other duck hunters, trying to learn the ropes. We later on went to a couple of them seminars and bought some tapes too. There seems to always be something to learn about hunting turkeys.
Me and a friend of mine started when we were about 14 or 15 to.We found out there was a turkey season and decided to go.And like Mtn.Boomer we made a lot of mistakes.I was in my 20's before I finally killed my first one.That was a jake off the roost.Then a buddy of mine called a jake in for me the year before last.And last year I took a 25 pounder by myself opening morning.I am starting to figure it out.I am 27 now so I guess I have been at it about 12 years.
Lucky me I was pretty much raised in the hunting lifestlye.I would'nt trade the memories for nothing!I was introduced to turkey hunting in 1981 by a good friend of the family.He has turkey hunted since I was in diapers and I am 35 now.Any way I took my first tom in the spring of 1982 and been on a tear ever since.Now I have 3 jakes of my own and between me and grandpa there learning what old longbeard is all about.Mar 31st will be 2 decades hunting ole longbeard.And that 1st early morning gobble still sends chills down my spine!!!!!!!!

Monarch around my house is'nt a butterfly,but it's the King of the Spring!!!
Pass on the tradition," Gilobbleobbleobble."
My first turkey hunting trip (and first gobbler) was with a friend of mine in college in 1991 near Auburn, AL. So I guess this is my 10 year anniversary. Wow, how did I live with out it? I'll never know.

Safe and Happy Hunting !
This Spring will be my 22nd spring of chasing the big black birds.

May The Beard Be Long And The Spurs Be Sharp
Started in the late 60s. I think it was 68 or 69. There weren't many turkeys and there weren't many hunters, either. We didn't have much of a choice for calls and there wasn't any good camoflage like we have now. All we had was duck hunting camo which was too heavy to be practical for turkey hunting. We just wore clothing that was brown or green and hid real well. Then we started getting Army surplus Vietnam camo and thought we had it made! No videos or tapes to tell you how to call. You could buy a 45rpm record from Lynch and that was about it. Mostly we just tried to listen to real turkeys. Diaphragm calls didn't exist yet. Put charcoal on our faces and hands if we wanted to get real serious because there weren't camo masks or gloves. We didn't have screw in turkey chokes, just regular full choked barrels. Sometimes it seems too easy now. Not that I'm not still learning something every time I hunt them, it's just that we have a lot of advantages now. I hunted for ten days before I heard my first turkey or even saw a track. I was starting to think I'd been tricked into hunting something that didn't exist.
I've been hunting 5 years now. When I retired we moved to E. Tennessee. While clearing the timber from the house site, my tractor broke down. During the repair period, I was taking a break and a flock of about 25 birds trooped right up the access road. :eek:

[ April 01, 2001: Message edited by: Slamfire ]
This will be my 2nd spring season. Did a little fall last year. I got bored last year after deer season went out. Thought I would try turkey.While I was scouting I kept hearing a tom gobble evrytime a plane took off at the airport next to the land. Well at a intersection of trails we met. Don't know which one of us jumped higher. I know he ran faster though

[ 06 April 2001: Message edited by: WorthlessNut ]

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