Caribou Gear Tarp

Which Caliber In A Lever Action?


New member
Feb 19, 2001
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Its been preached to me as a boy, that two heads is better than one. So I am going to rely on some of you people to help get over to the other side of the creek. I am in need of a good lever action rifle to hunt HOGS deer and possibly bear with in the very near future. Due to a slight physical problem, I can't operate a bolt action rifle. let us keep the recoil down too folks.
Duster - At what ranges do you think you'll be shooting? A Marlin .35 Remington has worked real well at less than 150 yards for my friend...several one-shot kills. For possible longer ranges, I would consider a Browning lever in .308, which would probably be my first choice, actually. Another choice would a Savage 99, if you can find one in good shape. Good luck, and let us know what you get!
Calif-Hunter, that 35 was the first thing that came to my mind, but I knew there must be some others to pick from perhaps. I am stove up some you might say, doc would say otherwise (broke up) the hands and arms is whats important for hunting. I can always hobble on a bad leg. I plan trying to shoot some in 3 more weeks. It's a real chore trying to type, but fingers is working OK.
Why not a semi auto rifle, like Remington 740s? You could put a whole clip of several different caliber choices with one of those. Mine is a 30-06.
Depending on how your hands are able to work, the semi-auto or pump actions give you more alternatives. In the Browning lever and pump, you may be able to get a 7mm-08. I am pretty sure you can get that caliber in the Remington autos or pumps, and it shouldn't kick too bad. If you can get it in the Browning lever action, and you want to stick with that style of action, that might be just the ticket...enough power and even enough range if you get a long shot.
For short range 75 yards or less, why not try a 44 mag in either a lever or the new ruger auto. The 44 seems to work better than what a foot pound measurment chart would say. Low recoil, and a lot of frontal area. It depends on how low of recoil you want to go, and how far you want to shoot. The 375 Win is another smasher that we don;t hear about much, and 35 rem is hard to beat. Good luck
Duster, I don't see anyone else recommending it, so I will. The Savage Mod. 99 is still my idea of the perfect lever gun. If you are going to limit your shots to 200 yards or less for deer and 100 yards or less for pig, try the 300 Savage. if you reload, there are all kinds of possiblities.

Dan AZ
Well no body has said it so I will. Hogs, deer and bear (maybe) there isn't a thing wrong with a 94 Winchester in 30-30. Or a Marlin.


[This message has been edited by Boggy Creek Ranger (edited 03-21-2001).]
Duster.....I second Elliot on the Ruger .44 mag carbine.....That has been my hog gun of choice for several years. With hog and deer season running together in Florida, I have taken several white tail with it also, and a couple of Florida Black bears and several NC black bears....It is also my gun of choice for working the Black Timber for elk. Short, very quick to aim (I have a 1X Aimpoint dot scope on it)......also, Boggy isn't steering you wrong on the 94 Winny in 30-30 either. In fact, in your shoes I would be hard pressed to make a choice with all the great input here.
One I didn't see mentioned was the venerable .348 Winchester! Though no one currently makes one or loads for it, you can probably find one used somewhere. Perhaps a Browning Model 71 lever action. Hits real hard and is plenty of energy out past 100yrds...

Something easier to find would be a Browning BLR... .358 Winchester if you can find it... .308 if you can't.

[This message has been edited by IndyJay (edited 03-23-2001).]
A buddy of mine shoots an old Winchester lever action chambered in 38-55.Really nice gun he took a 350lb sow bear at 100 yds open sites.So this has the knock down power your looking for.

Good Huntin-Kraven

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