I have a Rem 700 rebarreled to .300 Wthby, and it shoots very well. I hunt more with a Tikka in .300 Win Mag, though, as it is a much lighter, handier rifle. I don't think you gain all that much with the Wthby version, especially with 180 gr bullets or under. I would stick with one of the...
My Dad woulda slapped us silly for putting ketchup on a steak. One time my brother did that, and he got a hamburger patty when the rest of of us were eating steak for a loooong time.
My Dad also got irate if we used BBQ sauce to dip our fries in - it was much too expensive for that! Use...
Let us know how the Tikka works out for you. They usually have a pretty good trigger out of the box and everyone of them I've had experience with (and my brother and friends own several besides mine) have shot sub-MOA and most at about a half MOA. The other advantage in my opinion, with a...
About 70 here today. A littl ebit breezy. SUpposed to be in the 80s by the end of the weekend.
On Tuesday, I fly to St. Louis. What a shock that is going to be!
I agree with peep sights. Open sights are hard for me to use anymore past about 50 yards. I have never been much of a lever gun fan for hunting - I grew up with bolt guns. I do have a couple Model 94s but I don't use them much for hunting. I have a couple rimfire levers that get more use.
Also - I stopped carrying a handgun while hunting as I saw no need for it and it was just extra weight, unless I was handgun hunting, of course. I do sometimes carry a magnum handgun when bird hunting if there is a chance I might jump a hog. It will usually be a 4-inch .41, as I am partial to...
I stopped being impressed with a .44 mag with hollowpoints after shooting a couple wild hogs with them. They never penetrated the gristle plate on a big boar. We found them flattned out on the cartilage, in a perfect mushroom. Those were the standard Rem or Win HSPs. The softpoints or the...
If you are truly an independenat and not just claiming that label for some imaginary status or feeling of superiority, then why have I yet to see you say anything positive about anything a Republican has done, while fervently defending the dems? Personally attacking those who disagree as...
180 gr Partition over 82-85 gr of IMR-7828, Fed GM mag primer. Powder charge dependent on gun and brass (Rem brass is thicker so uses less powder.) I've also used H-1000 and a 165 gr bullet, but don't recall the charge.
Brad's girlfriend, Elaine, came along and took the pictures - she did a great job!, She just got her Hunter Safety Certificate and license, so she can sign up for these hunts next year. Here is a shot of Brad getting his bird with Michael ready in case Brad missed. (Michael had not yet gotten...
That second bird was pretty well dusted...
It was chilly for us - about 45 when we first started. The Fish & Game sponsors have the kids show that they know how to operate the gun, make sure that gun is not too big for them (often small kids show up with a huge 12 ga,) and then they shoot at...
My son, Michael, our friend, Brad and I went on a DFG Heritage Apprentice Hunt on Jan 8 out towards New Cuyama. This was Michael's second year hunting, and he is much improved. Always a good rifle shot, he's now pretty good with a shotgun, too. Two shots and he had his two birds.
Yep - people are always telling me how the .308 is the best LR prairie dog gun out there with 172 gr bullets. Velocity determines how much time the wind has to work on shoving the bullet to the side. Balliistic coefficient keeps velocity higher and lessens the effect of the wind due to...
Cool! My Dad had a friend/coworker who had hounds, and we used to run bobcats and lions in south Orange County with him once in a while. All houses now mostly.
I still have the pix of Oscar and the sheep in Texas... :hump: and I'm wearing my orange coalition hat... :)
A-con (Dan aka formerly Anaconda), Tyson (T-bone) and the truck driver from the South whose name (his real name is Tim) I can't remember met for a hog hunt near Hollister in CA on...