State of the Union


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2010
Piedmont region of North Carolina
Is it just me, or were we served up another rasher of the same old rhetoric, hood winking pie in the sky verbiage which we've become used to: no substance, no details, the same thing which had Nancy Pelosi"s eyes sparkling for the last three years? Biden sitting back there with those looks of intelligence and agreement coursing over his face. I wonder how much of that was for the benefit of the camera? I would feel much better if the "Pied Piper" would have just said that we are in deep doodoo and Washington was going to try to get us out of it.
What do you all think? Worthy of response?
Didn't see last night’s doings. But those stately, wise and all knowing, looks, glances and smirks always make me want to barf. That is one area shared by both parties so to speak.
I watched it and was somewhat disgusted I guess. I was disgusted when some of the dems that were interviewed after the state of the union were pissed that the Prez didn't mention tighter gun control.

I am suprised by the number of ordinary citizens that are so positive that we will pull out of this soon.

What makes you think "they" are going to get "us" out of anything...."they" are the brain housings that have spent the last 30 years putting us in "deep doodooo".

"They" arent capable of doing anything other than whats a direct benefit to "themselves"...and of course following party lines and arguing that "those other guys" are the ones doing it wrong, all the while not offering up anything for a solution.

Its a joke and I'm of the opinion that there are damn few politicians that really care about their constituents or fixing anything...other than their personal bottom line.

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I will add, I think that the United States party system is to blame. If you were an individual, that answered only to yourself, and your constituents, that it might be a different story. Sad, this thing called party politics.,
Part I loved the best is when he said he would sign no more bills with earmarks,roflmao.Didn't he say that to get into office and we've yet to see that happen.I guess we're all stupid,everyday americans that don't pay attention.Who is he kidding????
Hopefully, someday that wasted money will be put back in our pockets instead of studying how cow farts hurt the ozone layer or something else equally stupid.Big problem is that no matter who you vote for, they are soon corrupted by Wash. politics, and how to get money for their district for votes
Tough stuff to watch on a full stomach
The worst comment of the night was one of the reporters after comparing "the chosen one" to Regan. This sent me off of the handle. How can someone so liberal and ignorant be compared to Regan? No wonder I don't watch they national news.
Better question...Who would want to be compared to Reagan?

That guy was the biggest tool in the box...
Where's Jose? This is the type of thread that he should be all over. I haven't seen anything from him in weeks.

You come to that conclusion, because unlike you, I dont have a shrine dedicated to Reagan in my home?

Its tough to do your own thinking, something you've yet to try...
Reagan increased taxes, the national debt and granted amnesty to illegal aliens, while Bush I signed one of the largest gun bans in history.

Just saying.
Other than for face fodder for the next commemorative coin series (buy one get one free - just pay separate shipping...) I think they are all cut from the same friggin cloth. Red or Blue doesn’t make much difference with this nation continuing to spiral down out of control.
I will add, I think that the United States party system is to blame. If you were an individual, that answered only to yourself, and your constituents, that it might be a different story. Sad, this thing called party politics.,

You come to that conclusion, because unlike you, I dont have a shrine dedicated to Reagan in my home?

Its tough to do your own thinking, something you've yet to try...

If you are truly an independenat and not just claiming that label for some imaginary status or feeling of superiority, then why have I yet to see you say anything positive about anything a Republican has done, while fervently defending the dems? Personally attacking those who disagree as somehow being inferior to you is not very convincing.

I'm not real impressed by what ALL politicians have done lately (last 30 years)...and why I've not ever voted for either a R or D in a presidential election.

I reserve the right to vote for either an R or D if I feel one is worthy of my vote,not going to hold my breath waiting for it happen.

I fully supported Bush Jr. when he spanked Afghanistan for harboring a dude that ordered his crew to smash planes into our sky scrapers and the Pentagon. Never did see the sense in attacking Iraq...other than for his personal gain.

Reagan did OK on some foreign issues, but his economic and most of his domestic policy was best. I wont forgive that treasonous bastage for Iran-Contra. Not real big on his union busting, and basically declaration of war on everyone but the wealthy. His deregulation ideas were almost as big of a flop as most of his B-rate movies.

He was the king of one liners though...I surrender to him on that.