Kenetrek Boots

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  1. M

    Let the fatasses destroy Kentucky!

    OK, so your point is??????????? My take is that these people were legal and out have a good time. I could not agree with you more on topics where people are going off road being illegal or doing damage (in areas not set aside) for that. But time after time Ithaca you post legal stuff to bitch...
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    Grizzly Moving Towards Delisting in Yellowstone Region

    "MD, So you would advocate a hunting season on Republicans prior to hunting Grizzlies, or would you advocate they be ran concurrently?" Jose,I don't care how they run the grizzle hunt as long as it's done because they have been delisted and in a way that keep huntable populations.(Not kept on...
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    Hunt Talks First ANNUAL CUT and PASTER OF THE YEAR !!

    Its a pattern with most of the treehugger ,Jon Marvel type supporter's. Along with there dues they must have to swear to stop thinking for thereself and ignore anyone or anything that might change there mind.
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    Grizzly Moving Towards Delisting in Yellowstone Region

    MD, "So you support the Republican Politicians and their behaviour toward the Boy Scouts??? You actually think Grizzlies are a bigger concern? Unbelievable!!!" Josecuervo, Your membership to PETA has you confusing humans with animals . They are not the same. But to answer your question...
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    Sledheads and Enviros Compromise

    Sound's like they have a good thing going . "The two groups, which admittedly do not always share the same land-use philosophy, begin their talks on what common ground they could find: All are Montanans, all care about public lands, all treasure wildlife, all have in mind future generations of...
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    Grizzly Moving Towards Delisting in Yellowstone Region

    Buffer Zones: "A system of core reserves is necessary but not sufficient to maintain biodiversity. In most regions, strictly protected areas will not occupy enough land, in the short term, to meet... conservation goals..." "In many cases private lands will need to be acquired and added to...
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    Grizzly Moving Towards Delisting in Yellowstone Region Josecuervo, you sound like the poster boy for the wildlands project. "Ringer, Wouldn't it be better to have Grizzlies roaming the forests and keeping the encroachment of development out of prime habitat areas? Maybe if a few yuppie...
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    More restrictions loom for off-road travel in Idaho

    I havent followed that either,but I had hoped that if found guilty he would get the big boot and be made to pay . Same thing I think should happen to anyone that is illegal. Make the punishment fit the crime and be swift about it. "Hey MD, What is the Blue Ribbon's policy on illegal outfitting...
  9. M

    Bush erases Clinton's ban on development in forests

    "Quote: We have posters who think there should be roads and trails for motorized vehicles over every inch of forest in our country. We have posters who actually believe that every bit of forest should be logged and "managed" to maximize short term timber harvest profits. We have posters who...
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    More restrictions loom for off-road travel in Idaho HUNTING AND OHV USE "The BlueRibbon Coalition requests that state fish and wildlife agencies actively work with land management agencies to ensure that OHV travel management requirements are included in hunter education programs, hunter booklets and...
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    More restrictions loom for off-road travel in Idaho

    Wow, another case of someone blowing half truth. ROUTE DESIGNATION The BlueRibbon Coalition supports the policy of limiting wheeled off-highway vehicles (OHV) use to existing roads and trails, in areas where cross country use of OHV has been adequately studied and shown to cause adverse...
  12. M

    Dictionary of environmental languge

    LOL When you can no longer defend the treehugger's it's best to go into hiding.
  13. M

    Bush erases Clinton's ban on development in forests

    "MD- So, you can't be closest to the land and like granola? Who do see as being closest to the land? The USFS or BLM employee or the 3rd generation logger/rancher/miner? I can tell who usually has more influence...." 1Pointer, I think a person can be close to the land and still like granola...
  14. M

    Bush erases Clinton's ban on development in forests

    "Sounds to me like someone trying to kiss some backside to get in there and destroy the place. But I may be wrong. That's just my underdstanding." Bandit, No one wants to go in and destory anything. Some of us see the need for keeping the access we now enjoy and the ability to manage our public...
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    Dictionary of environmental languge

    <TABLE height="50%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=1><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Abundance, n. 1. archaic, (this word has been expunged - no definition available).</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Perception, n. 1. Image created by scientists and supporters, especially those in the...
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    The Oath

    WOW Did I hit a nerve? I sure didnt want to do that . "You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature but pasty, visionist activists who've never been outside Seattle do. " Humor - How to be a Democrat - Liberal - Socialist: -You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a...
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    Sportsman For Wildlife in Arizona

    I can tell you that quite a few people in Idaho (Bow Hunters) are concerned enough about them to be talking . So far it hasnt been good.
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    The Oath

    "Quote: Originally Posted by JoseCuervo Any particular reason you are trying to libel Mr. Marvel? Please post facts, or quit posting. " "I will cuss cows but eat beef, blast miners but wear jewelry and drive a car but condemn oil companies. I don't want trees cut for any purpose other than...
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    Idaho Group Wins Victory over Salt Lake BLM in order to IMPROVE Hunting

    "These are the people who influence the decision makers at WWP. Go look at the WWP's board of directors, nearly all of them belong to more then one of the organizations listed below or also sit on their boards and advisory councils. " Jose ,How many of those organizations do you pay due's...
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    Idaho Group Wins Victory over Salt Lake BLM in order to IMPROVE Hunting

    Nemont, many of those organizations are the ones I have check out and urged others to look at. The ideas I have posted against have come right off alot of those web sites ,the same stuff Ithaca calls "conspiracy theories" Its interesting how many of them support the same goals and are in fact...

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