
New member
Jan 21, 2005
due to the high volume of cut and pasting going on. i thought it might be appropriate to take a poll and award a trophy to the Cut and Paster of The Year for 2005... !!!!
Wasn't it 280 who started that approach? He would always cut and paste some news article and say little about it, what a trend setter!
Jose' cuts and pastes some very good information. I'd much rather read that than some of the half assed looney tune opinions from some posters who don't know their ass from their elbow and can't back up their posts with any facts. In case you're wondering who, take a look at my "ignore" list. I can't remember Sage Ghost ever posting anything intelligent, so he'll probably be on the list soon.
Its a pattern with most of the treehugger ,Jon Marvel type supporter's.
Along with there dues they must have to swear to stop thinking for thereself and ignore anyone or anything that might change there mind.
Well, jose lets see barely sticks to the topic, mainly goes startsa rguments, so i vote for jose,arguemnt jerk of the year i say it nicely:D ITCHY 37

i find it amazing that you.. itchy, put people on your ignore list but you continue
to post replys regarding them anyway..... go ahead put my on ignore...I am not a LITTLE BABY like you.. you're a C-O-W-A-R-D.. There i hope that did it for ya. !!! Hey buzz... hows the Hairy women in your local Sierra Club Singles group??

I don't respond to some posters it may be because they're on my "Ignore" list. Sorry, Ten Bears, BHR, michaelr, ringer, Muledeer4me ,and Sageghost

Your Mommie wants you !!!! thanks__ ill wear it like a BADGE OF HONOR !!!
Bandit, Sorry. It means just what I said. They're too stupid for me to waste time on. Also, they're no challenge to debate with. Too easy to beat them. Not just for me , either. They end up looking like fools in any debate that requires intelligence. I don't have time for idiots. :cool: I've been following this site since it started. You can waste a lot of time reading posts by morons who never contribute anything worthwhile. That's the one of the problems with the Internet. It provides the same forum to everyone----geniuses to morons. I'm here to learn, not to waste time on nitwits. :D It's not easy to get on my idiot list. You have to post dozens and dozens of imbecilic messages, prove incapable of knowing what's in your best interest as a hunter and fisherman, demonstrate a complete ignorance of basic wildlife management, consistently make ludicrous arguments and be a general all around assclown with shit for brains.
I vote for Josey Queervo #1 and It the wimp #2. People with strength of conviction and character don't hide from their foes. I will say that although Jose/Gunner throws out a lot of red herrings to change the subject when he is pinned down at least he has big enough balls to stay in the fight. I am also proud to be on the ignore list as it is growing and looks like a pretty good group to be with.
IT's a pussy! Let him stay in the corner playing with himself. He doesn't add anything of value anyway. At least Jose makes me laugh. IT's just a big DUD (and a pussy)!
Bandit, "yeah but isn't it fun to give them hell? come on don't put them on ignore, let them talk."

First of all, they can post all they want. I just don't see the messages from the ones on my idiot list. Second: No, it's not fun to give them hell. There's no challenge in debating them, it's too easy to beat them. I get bored with it real fast. Educating them is a real challenge and some people enjoy working with the mentally handicapped. I don't. No matter how much information you pump into an idiot, they're probably still going to be an idiot. It's a fundamental problem with their IQ that can't be overcome. You might as well try to educate a gerbil. I'd rather not waste my time.

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