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Dictionary of environmental languge


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Dec 11, 2000
<TABLE height="50%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=1><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Abundance, n.
1. archaic, (this word has been expunged - no definition available).</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Perception, n.
1. Image created by scientists and supporters, especially those in the media.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Activist, n.
1. A paid rabble rouser.
2. True believer.
syn. demonstrator.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Polluter, n.
1. Those agents which cause the condition of pollution.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Authority, n.
1. (See: scientist).</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Pollution, n.
1. Noxious emissions generated by any human activity.
2. Conditions arising after 1400 A.D.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Children, n.
1. Offspring of environmental leaders. Used in phases such as: "...preserved (it) for our children."</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Potential, adj.
1. Something which if properly identified might generate public support and donations.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Condemnation, n.
1. A process, usually involving local, state and/or federal agencies, used to take something belonging to someone else for free.
2. An overwhelming rebuttal to arguments against definition one.
3. Preferred reply for authorities when confronted with a fact which contradicts their opinion.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Private Property, phrase.
1. Land belonging to, or under the control of, an environmental group or trust.
syn. national park, national forest.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Conservation, n.
1. The process of protecting something for future generations of children. (Not to be confused with conservative.)</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Protection, n.
1. The process of condemning and confiscating property belonging to someone else.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Conservative, n.
1. Reactionary force or individual.
syn. enemy, vile, evil, intolerant, republican, Nazi.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Rancher, n.
1. Defilers of national forests - see private property.
2. archaic, Individuals rasing cattle under difficult conditions to feed other people.
syn. farmer</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Defense Fund, phrase.
1. An appellation applied to some activist organizations for the purpose of attacking something disliked.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Republican, n.
1. (See: conservative)</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Endangered, adj.
1. Something proven by environmental science as scarce.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Researcher, n.
1. (See: scientist).</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Environment, n.
1. Anything or anyplace. Often used as adjectival modifier as in 'the environmental science of...'</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Scarcity, n.
1. The process of identifying a 'perceived lack' or creating the perception thereof.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Expert, n.
1. (See: scientist).</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Science, n.
1. The process of gathering opinions of self-identified authorities and presenting them as 'facts.'</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Extinction, n.
1. The condition of evoking fear and panic.
2. (See: natural resource worker).</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Scientist, n.
1. Person claiming scientific credentials, not necessarily in discipline of subject matter.
2. Useful idiot with gravitas.
syn. researcher, expert, authority.
3. Highly over-educated personages not noted for their use of common sense when approaching a problem.
3. Sometimes referred to as Scientician
a Term describing the political corruption of a scientist.
b Person working in the sciences willing to alter and/or ignore observations and research to conform to the political correct thinking or policy of any particular age.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Fact, n.
1. An unnecessary contrivance. Used only for Public persuasion, else an unnecessary consideration.
2. Something often obscured or hidden by scientists in order to gather more funds to continue their project.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Species, n.
1. Something with an unpronounceable name.
2. Something that was once either a nuisance, useful or eatable.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Farmer, n.
1. Individuals who use land to spread poison and kill helpless animals.
2. archaic, Individuals making a hard and difficult living on land to feed other people.
syn. rancher.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Supporter, n.
1. Shock troop.
2. Source of petty cash.
3. Media talking-head.
4. Useful idiot, general purpose.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Fisherman (commercial), n.
1. A rapist and pillager of the sea.
2. Common criminal of the worst sort: often referred to as "worse than child-molesters."
3. Often used synonymously for 'greedy.'
4. archaic, Individuals making a dangerous living at sea to feed other people.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>The Public, phrase.
1. Vast body of humans.
2. Objects easily led in desired directions by pronouncements from supporters and scientists.
syn. ignorant, uneducated, city-dweller.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Foundation, n.
1. Funding source for environmental activists and environmental scientists.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Threatened, adj.
1. Something identified as a potential scarcity.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Global, adj.
1. All encompassing word used to make a local issue into a world-wide cause.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Timber worker, phrase.
1. A rapist and pillager of Mother Earth.
2. archaic, Individuals making a dangerous living on land by chopping down trees useful for making things.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Global Warming, phrase.
1. Atmospheric condition causing the demise of modern human society.
2. Weather condition causing unusually cold winters.
3. Phrase useful for generating new laws, regulations, and funds.
4. archaic, A process generated by many factors, fluctuating with solar output.
The process was first noted during the Precambrian 750-550 million years ago, then in the Carboniferous-Permian 320-270 million years ago, and followed by the Late Tertiary-Quaternary 2.5 million years ago -10,000 years ago.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Trust, n.
1. A source of funds.
2. An organization dedicated to protecting private property.
3. An unquestioning condition adopted by the public in response to authorities.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Homeless, adj.
1. (See: natural resource worker).
2. Condition of rural peoples before they migrate to urban areas.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Trust Fund, phrase.
1. Bottomless source of ready cash. Having one or more of these guarantees a leadership position within an environmental group - the larger the fund, the higher the position.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Lack, n.
1. An intolerable condition.
2. When identified can become a profitable cause to rally supporters.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Undocumented Workers, phrase.
1. (Latino) Salt of the earth, hardworking, taxpayers, non-English speakers.
syn. co-citizens
2. (Islamic) Allies.
3. archaic, (illegal aliens, law-breakers.)</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Land, n.
1. An area belonging to someone else, studied for potential, defended,then protected by an environmental group for later profitable resale.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Use, n.
1. Determinations made by wise people, usually by leaders of an environmental group.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Legal Fund, phrase.
1. An appellation applied to some activist organizations for the purpose of gathering high-priced lawyers to sue and regulate rural individuals or small groups out of existence.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Wilderness, n.
1. Areas free of human pollution.
2. Areas accessible only to the environmentally concerned.
3. Areas returned to pre-1400 AD conditions. syn. private property.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Miner, n.
1. A rapist and pillager of Mother Earth.
2. archaic, Individuals making a dangerous living by digging in the earth for metals and minerals useful for making things.</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Wise, n.
1. A member of an environmental group.</SMALL></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD><SMALL>Natural Resource Worker, phrase.
1. archaic, (this phrase has been expunged - no definition available).</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>Wise-use, phrase.
1. An appellation applied by wise people to a particular area of interest, usually involving land.</SMALL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I think it comes from the workbook on "How to be a True Environmentalist According to the Loony Left"...
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