Danr55, you is gettin in deep, over yo head deep with them females and if you think any of the boys are goin to be hero's and come jump in and save you, well you better not get in the water unless you are a damn good swimmer.
these two girls will eat you alive and spit out the bones. When they...
I already have one but I'm sure you have a favorite knife for shinning, would you shair with everyone what knife you use and why?
we'll see about who's the meat and who's the taters.
You guys from Texas will have a hard time shootin a coyote facein ya, ya'lls used to shootin them up the a$$ (Texas heart shot)
Who ever calls in the least number of coyotes the first day has to do dishes all week and who ever misses the...
I'm a big beliver in hunting the moon. No matter what you hunt, paying attention to the moon will up your take. I like Byron have kept reccords for the last 22 years. I wish I had kept them the hole 34 years that I've hunted. I am working on running the data from the 22 years through the...
You and I have been here before and both on the same side of the fence, Learned behavior..... animals that learn from one encounter with man show learned behavior traits. I still don't know where the conditioned responce is even relevant. After all is not conditioned responce, a responce...
This part of the Boise front burns quite a bit and the critters are used to it being black. My thoughts were they may be looking for a cooked meal,,LOL And I will be glad to feed them
Welcome to Moosies Hunt Talk,
Glad you stoped by and hope to see you here more often. This is a good board with alot of good folks and some real good information.
Glad to see you here Rich
Yesterday the foothills here by Boise caught fire and burned about 3thousand acres.
As I watched it burn all I could think of was after the fire was out, how good the coyote huntin will be up there. In acouple days I will venture up there and give it a go.
My question is have you ever...
I smell a rat, I knew someone was talkin bad about me, I know rat when I smell it for sure. Thats OK when you guys are talkin about me someone else is gittin a break.
One thing to remember in here the first lier don't stand a chance...
PS I know someone who can out talk even me, LRM...
If I call a stand and its non productive but I know there are yotes there I change up every time till I play the music that they like.
Now if i shoot and miss one from a stand I not only change the calls and cadence but I will set up diffrently than when I shot and missed. even then unless...
No Shoes, is one of my best friends. we hunt together and spend a lot of time working on the youth hunter together.
Varmit hunter, (Ronnie Robison) and I spend much time on the phone and He is one of two elders on the board of directors for GSPHA and Is the Only Life member and I'm proud that...
My best day predator hunting was 9 coyotes, 3 fox and 1 bobcat. That was 15 stands and solo hunting off my ATV oh a ranch that is 18000 acres.
My best day hunting was the 15th of Sept 1985 when I killed a 229 3/8 P&Y whitetail and a 130 class whitetail from the same tree stand 30 min apart...