Lets stir the pot

I tend to agree with you NASA, I'm just typing what ye olde science says in regrads to the subject:^).
OK SE, here's scientific: Basically, behaviour is learned. A change in behaviour is a result of experience (i.e. learning). Therefore learning = a change in behaviour.
Conditioning is a response to a specific stimuli (or lack thereof). Reinforcement of that conditioning = learning. Learning and conditioning appear to be mutually supportive. This is fun, huh?
Gier and Danner both state that coyotes are capable of observational learning. Hypothetical scenario= two coyotes respond to the call. One approaches, one hangs up 2 ridges over. The shot clips coyote number one, who does Gerry's "mad dash for home and Mother" and will not respond to that sound in that location again. Neither will coyote number two who watched from a distance. Anyone buy into this? Both learned the same lesson without the need of repetitive stimuli. A lot of educated men, much smarter than I, believe this.
You and I have been here before and both on the same side of the fence, Learned behavior..... animals that learn from one encounter with man show learned behavior traits. I still don't know where the conditioned responce is even relevant. After all is not conditioned responce, a responce generated from conditioning, meaning of a repeditive nature?

A coyote that is called in and shot at but missed who will not answer a call to the same location or call, Is in fact a learned behavior coyote. IE: he learned that danger is assosiated with the call and the location.

Now, If you call the same coyote to the same location and shoot and miss him several times before he " conditiones" to the call and the shot, that would be a conditioned responce coyote. Correct?

Thats how I see it.

NASA,different from what I was taught in college,but that was back in 77 and 78,so what do I know
?!? Where'd you get the info ?

Yeah,it most definitely is fun to learn,and this kind of discussion is stimulating.Makes me want to go shoot some coyotes with rubber bullets,just to see if it works!

Rich H,you and NASA have left me confused,I'll have to ponder on this one for a bit,and go look up the definition of conditioned or call one of the local College professors for the latest definition.My experience has been that conditioning involves repitition,but that was a long time ago.
I would agree with Rich's theory/analogy. It has been shown time and time again that animals can and do learn from their peers and mothers, and no it doesn't always take repeated 'lessons'.
Maybe it's more simple than that. Perhaps it's just a smart yote. Like the old saying goes...fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

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