
Search results

  1. D

    22 acre lot near Bozeman

    My bad, I must have misread.
  2. D

    22 acre lot near Bozeman

    An easement would unlock the landlocked public land though.
  3. D

    30% off Sitka

    It specifically said to share with friends and family.
  4. D

    30% off Sitka

    Nobody I know wants these, so go nuts. Expires tonight.
  5. D

    Another MT bear encounter, ooops !

    Seems like the guy that got shot has a white Christmas-like episode set up for life.
  6. D

    Cell phone adapters for spotting scopes

    This is the way.
  7. D


    I loved it.
  8. D

    Top 5 Best Western Reads

    Thanks all who recommended Doig. The Whistling Season was a fantastic refresher on beautiful prose and lexicon that inspires me to stretch, not to mention a lively cast and story arc. I’ll be devouring more.
  9. D

    Puffy pants

    Alpine ops ridge reaper I think. I think UA only makes one model. If you wait around, they should go ins ale for around $100.
  10. D

    Marcus Aurelius Meditations

    I dunno, had to look up erudite!
  11. D

    Marcus Aurelius Meditations

    It’s helped me reframe a lot of things as well as process the …baggage that comes with public service. I also enjoyed Unshakable Freedom: Ancient Stoic Secrets Applied to Modern Life by Chuck Chakrapani.
  12. D

    Hunting and Bipolar

    That first step to getting help is. So. Freaking. Hard. Good on you. You’re not alone.
  13. D

    Cloth Layering general and Kryptek specific help needed.
  14. D

    SKRE vs. KUUI vs. SITKA vs. First Light

    Check out John Barklow’s 8 layer system. Then choose pieces from whatever brand you like there. Agree above, mix and match and don’t be hung up on it being one specific brand. That being said, if you get a deep discount on Sitka, in my opinion that’s quality gear and you’d be set up well.
  15. D

    SOLD Kelvin Lite Down Hoody-large woodsmoke

    Great jacket here.
  16. D

    SOLD Kelvin Lite Down Hoody-large woodsmoke

    Sitka Kelvin Lite Down Hoody-Large Woodsmoke Minimal use. No odors. Small pull (doesn’t go through the fabric and doesn’t allow insulation to leak) and discoloration as shown in pics. $200 $175 TYD
  17. D

    Budget Yeti Hopper

    Murdoch’s has these on sale, today only.
  18. D

    How do you carry your bear defense sidearm

    I searched for 10 days over 2 seasons. I figure some shady individual picked it up, or there’s a grizz packing a 10mm now. It sucked.
Caribou Gear

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