Kenetrek Boots

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  1. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    So long TV - Hello Amazon

    Awesome to hear. Keep up the good work and content
  2. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Need to vent

    It very well could've been the caretaker and not necessarily with ill intent. My friend worked at a cemetery and they'd remove old flowers as a matter of policy
  3. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Buying preference points in Wyoming

    It's too late to buy a point this year. Next year you can either apply for a tag and get a point if you don't draw or wait until the summer and just buy a point.
  4. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Crossbow Broadhead Recommendations

    I've had good success with ramcat diamondbacks. The original ramcats are too wide for my crossbow but the diamondbacks fly great.
  5. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Leupold VX-3i For Sale

    I might be able to give you an offer later this week depending on funds.
  6. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    4 wheel drive issue

    I'm hoping someone here can give me a bit of advise. I'm having an issue with the 4 wheel drive on my 05 f150. When I flip it in to 4 high, I can hear the gear box engage but it doesn't seem to actually be in 4 wheel. I was parked on a sheet of ice and the back wheels would turn but the front...
  7. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Thinking of a new business venture

    If you can find a way to get those in a high end art gallery, Jackson, Boulder, Estes, Santa fe ect you can make money
  8. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Wyoming Unit 6

    Are you talking about the north end of 6? I also have a 6 cow/calf tag
  9. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    What are you reading

    Coyote America by Dan Flores
  10. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Friday Music - Songs That Tell a Story
  11. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Randy Newberg

    Podcast addict is the app to get. And personally I think 1.5x is a bit fast for me but I can't tell a difference on 1.3x
  12. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Dumb Elk Head Questions

    You can cut the antlers up and use them as dog chews
  13. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Hello everyone from Central Wyoming

    Welcome from Laramie
  14. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    New guy from Fort Collins, CO

    Welcome from just up 287 in Laramie
  15. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Legal Access??

    The blm says they don't allow it but it's mostly a local issue regarding enforcement. There's lots about it on here.
  16. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Public Roads?

    Plat maps
  17. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Last day to get preference points for 2017 Today is your last chance to get preference points for 2017. Don't forget!
  18. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Backcountry Trash - Me venting

    I find several balloons every year while up guiding. The mountains are where balloons go to die.
  19. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Wyoming state trust land?

    I know the Albany County gis map has at least one section incorrectly labeled as public. But it's inaccessible either way.
  20. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Found Elk

    Dang that's a nice bull

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