Camofire - Buyer Beware

I have purchased some items on camofire but not as of recently. I've been finding deals very similar on other websites with faster shipping. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
I had an interesting fedex situation last summer, that without excellent customer service from Joss and Main/ Wayfair we would have been out about $1200.
We ordered furniture for our house.
The chairs came, the table didn’t. They had the same tracking number and showed delivered.
The fed ex driver stated he remembered delivering to us. That’s because he did, just not then table.

Wayfair investigated it, but in the meantime sent out another table.
Turns out that somehow the chairs and the table came from opposite coasts, but were somehow issued the same tracking number.

If it wasn’t for Wayfair just sending another, we wouldn’t have gotten anything from fedex other than a shoulder shrug and an ‘oh well’.
American express can be an expensive credit card but when stuff like this happens they are very helpful. I highly recommend Amex when buying expensive items online. They've covered my butt in the past
American express can be an expensive credit card but when stuff like this happens they are very helpful. I highly recommend Amex when buying expensive items online. They've covered my butt in the past

This is good advice. For example, my Amex acts as rental car insurance.
Definitely worth reading the fine print to see what benefits you have.
They say for every negative complaint, it leads to 7 others... That was a long while ago... Now, with the sprawling social media, 7 is a drop in the bucket.

I shopped Camofire for a good while. Never had a negative experience. I've returned a few items and all went smooth though, taking the OP at your word sounds like Camofire may eat more than their "cost" for an item. Tough gig though this presents the dynamics of online business in a social media world.

Dispute the charge with your credit card.

Best to you. Cruddy situation.
I also feel that the fault lies with FedEx, and not Camofire. Once it leaves their facility (Camofire), they no longer have control over it. FedEx may have delivered to the wrong address (dyslexic driver transposed numbers, etc) which happens about twice a month with my US Postal Carrier. My house # is 2490, but I regularly get mail for the neighbor who lives at 2409. They also get mail that was addressed to me. We are so used to it happening, we just walk down the street and put the mail in the correct box. Not saying that is what happened in your case, but human error on the part of the FedEx driver might be the cause, not so much Camofire. I have ordered numerous times from Camofire, and have never had a problem.
AmEx are efficacious dispute managers...great fraud alert mechanisms & no questions asked when we dispute charges/service disagreements. We deal with multiple carriers on a daily basis....mostly smooth sailing. That said, a vendor, IMO, is responsible for it's goods to promised point of delivery unless specifically held harmless.
Dragginwood: Don't know your building layout, but if you have a shed of some sort; did you check to make sure they didn't put the package in there? They sometimes place packages where they think they are out of site of porch pirates.
The problem with "signature required" is that you have to be around your house all day. Most working people don't have this option.
I also feel that the fault lies with FedEx, and not Camofire. Once it leaves their facility (Camofire), they no longer have control over it. FedEx may have delivered to the wrong address (dyslexic driver transposed numbers, etc) which happens about twice a month with my US Postal Carrier. My house # is 2490, but I regularly get mail for the neighbor who lives at 2409. They also get mail that was addressed to me. We are so used to it happening, we just walk down the street and put the mail in the correct box. Not saying that is what happened in your case, but human error on the part of the FedEx driver might be the cause, not so much Camofire. I have ordered numerous times from Camofire, and have never had a problem.

Everybody can have their own view of they think the world should work, but let's be clear the law has been providing the actual real world answer for 300 years (the internet didn't change it) - if the seller chooses/controls the shipper, they retain liability until receipt by buyer - the shipper's failing is the seller's failing - any loss is between them and they can fight it out, but the buyer is not the loser, nor does the buyer have to solve the problem. Not sure why people see the need to defend Camofire and put this on the OP. Camorfire is a decent sized commercial business who knows the rules of commerce - shame on them for putting this on their customer. Turns out they have a B- better business bureau rating, guess OP isn't the only ones they have shorted. I am canceling my regular emails and will move my spending elsewhere. YMMV.
Everybody can have their own view of they think the world should work, but let's be clear the law has been providing the actual real world answer for 300 years (the internet didn't change it) - if the seller chooses/controls the shipper, they retain liability until receipt by buyer - the shipper's failing is the seller's failing - any loss is between them and they can fight it out, but the buyer is not the loser, nor does the buyer have to solve the problem. Not sure why people see the need to defend Camofire and put this on the OP. Camorfire is a decent sized commercial business who knows the rules of commerce - shame on them for putting this on their customer. Turns out they have a B- better business bureau rating, guess OP isn't the only ones they have shorted. I am canceling my regular emails and will move my spending elsewhere. YMMV.
Understood. However, I stated that it MAY not be the fault of the shipper, but the handling and delivery (FedEx). In no way did I intend to infer that the fault was with the buyer. He should be made whole by the seller. It should be the ultimate responsibility for the shipper (Camofire) to ensure their product is delivered to the customer in a timely fashion. Perhaps Camofire should offer alternate ways to ship so that if someone has problems with a particular carrier, they can be assured of better service.
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Possible resolution, of course respecting various work settings, have deliveries routed to work. Greatly reduces the theft and delivery signature complications.
OP reports is a long-term customer. Might be the only time had an issue. Is an easy call for me as a sales manager if the OP is a reliable, long-term customer.
I am a sales manager and yes it is an easy call. A good customer with no previous issues, I replace the order and work with my shipping company rep to resolve it on my end. You don’t penalize your customers for your shipping company’s mistakes.
One statement LAWYER. Then lets see what happens. That word will more often than not get people moving in tge right way.
One statement LAWYER. Then lets see what happens. That word will more often than not get people moving in tge right way.
Depends on the company. Some companies have a policy that if the customer cries lawyer that customer service can no longer assist and the complaint gets referred to their legal claims bureaucracy, knowing you aren’t going to hire a $300 per hour lawyer to address a $500 issue. So YMMV.
Depends on the company. Some companies have a policy that if the customer cries lawyer that customer service can no longer assist and the complaint gets referred to their legal claims bureaucracy, knowing you aren’t going to hire a $300 per hour lawyer to address a $500 issue. So YMMV.

Exactly. You mention lawyer to me, and I shut up. If you truly want to go that route, then I'm not saying anything that can be used in court. People think it's a great trump card, but it shuts down communication fast.

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