Access Yes Program


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2017
Wyoming game and fish published their annual report on the status of the Access Yes program in Wyoming, which, has opened up literally millions of acres of land for public hunters and fishermen.

I know tags for non-residents are pricey as it is, but I highly encourage everyone to donate to this program at the time of your tag entries if you can afford it. It offers some great opportunities to hunt property that historically has been closed to the public.
Always donate, I've always been curious what some feel is a good amount? I'm sure it varies greatly and its hard to say if the answers would be accurate.
I stopped at a sporting goods store close to where I hunted last year to donate to both access and search and rescue. Last year the salesperson told me that since they raised the minimum donation to $2 many quit donating. Pretty sad.
Usually I throw $10-20 in every time I apply. Even on the resident tags an extra $10 from every applicant goes a long way. I believe somewhere in the report it said for every $1 raised it opens up 3 acres of land.
Guess I'm not the only one. I always do $20. I always do the group apps for the three or four of us that go, I usually put $20 for each of them of w/o asking and add it to there total.
The access Yes program is fantastic and I always encourage people to donate. Interesting side note, the search and rescue donation goes to the general fund and not specifically SAR.
I guess I'm a little cheap, I only throw $5 at it. But I definitely do it. Same with the ID Access program.
I donate $20 per application to the program. I've hunted the HMA's and Walk-In areas, and I've found game on both. Hope the land owners also feel the program is worthwhile so it can continue.
Another thing to note, that last time I looked closely at the numbers, non-residents donate more than residents as far as individual donations go. The WYBHA chapter here has been a consistent donor the last 4-5 years giving $500-$1500.

My wife and I usually contribute $100 each and have been since 2001.

Fact is though, that every single donation, no matter if its $2 or $2000, it all adds up and anything donated is strictly voluntary and appreciated by the GF.

I'm happy to see how many people are donating on this thread, well done.

Also, a shout out to the many other sportsmen's groups that donate annually, Bowhunters of Wyoming always donate, RMEF has done some huge donations, Wyoming outdoor Council and many others. Those groups that aren't, should probably consider doing so.
Last year was my first year going to WY and did $10 each for me and the boy. Will do the same again this year.
I donate as well and I always try to support the various wildlife habitat organizations when possible. Time is money and money is time. Someday I plan to help with some habitat program hands on even if it costs me a weeks vacation. I just worry that as non residents our tags and opportunities will be less and less each year regardless of how we help wildlife outside of our home states.

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