PEAX Equipment

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  1. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    To call fish and game or not to call

    Generally if you are questioning if you should report or not, you probably should report it.
  2. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Any other LEOs here?

    I wasn't working that day but I did get to deal with the guy who firebombed the gop headquarters before the atf picked him up.
  3. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Any other LEOs here?

    I'm one week in my new career as a Wyoming sheriff's deputy after spending some time with the tsa. Any other law enforcement folk members here?
  4. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Preference points 2018

    Today is the last day to buy your Wyoming preference points! Don't forget. Us WY residents want you to draw your tag next year and experience the best state in the union
  5. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Wyoming Corner Crossing

    It's true that there is no precedent set in Wyoming. Technically the blm doesn't allow it on blm land but the issue is that the blm is almost guaranteed not to be the one writing a ticket. A local sheriff's deputy or game warden is who you'll be dealing with and it generally seems like they will...
  6. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Places to eat in Casper

    There's an Irish place in town that's really good I just can't think of the name
  7. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Ramcat Broadheads

    I use the ramcat diamondbacks and they fly true for me.
  8. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    No More Offline High Resolution in OnX?

    On my galaxy s8 I download to my memory card and not my phone memory.
  9. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    New Season of MeatEater?

    Fresh tracks and meateater are the best shows on TV. Solo hunter is a great one as well.
  10. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Grizz hunting is over

    I agree that we can work towards a continuous line of bears from the southern end of the GYE up through the glacier population but I don't think it's necessary before delisting. The GYE bears have been cut off for decades are don't show signs of inbreeding or lack of genetic diversity. Capture...
  11. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Laramie - Late Season (Dec)

    6 is hard to hunt. Most landowners lease out to outfitters so walking across this property to public is likely a no go. I'm 2 years in to my plan on gaining access to some private but I suspect that I'm still a few years out.
  12. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Wildly unprepared, overly ambitious: Sam's first pronghorn hunt

    Sounds like you have a pretty good plan. I will say that I cooked my antelope heart for the first time this year and it was fantastic. I'd recommend giving it a try if possible
  13. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Unable to retrieve animal due to private land and punching tag

    I always call the neighboring landowners and square up on this issue before the season. They always are glad to have me call before hand and we work out what to do in the event an animal goes on their property. After a few years it's resulted in gaining access to private property to hunt as well.
  14. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    U.S. land Question

    I Googled the address of the primary owner and it comes back US land bureau. I'd check with them.
  15. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Bear attack Wy

    As a former guide myself, I can't fault the client for trying to get away from an active bear attack. Having not been there it's impossible to tell the specifics of what happened enough to make an honest critique. The client had injuries and its possible that the guide died right away making any...
  16. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Bear attack Wy

    I don't remember where but I heard marine flares were a good bear deterrent. Every animal runs from fire and the marine flares are like holding the sun in your hand. Definitely not a good option if there are fire restrictions though. I'll try to find the podcast that they were mentioning them.
  17. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Joining from SW Michigan

    Grew up in Elkhart, have a family cabin just south of Hastings and currently live in Wyoming. Welcome
  18. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Black / brown bear tree video

    To me that seems like a color phase black bear chasing after another black bear. People on Facebook were very adamant she's a Grizzly
  19. Lonesome_God_outdoors

    Sst and gmx bullets suck.

    First elk I ever got was with an sst and my 25-06. He died mighty quickly. This is my first year using gmx so I'll let you know how they do