Duster, I agree that a .338 will take anything down that is what I hunt with up here. But if I am going after buffalo I think I would take a bigger gun just for insurance.
The diff. between Kodiak & brown is that the Kodiak is on the Kodiak island. Browns are a coastal bear they get much bigger than the grizzly. witch are inland bears.
This was another good hunt I tried to get one with my bow but did not have good luck.
The last two days of the trip I thought I better but down the bow and grab the .338. We spotted a good bear in this bay and my brother in-law wanted it, so we got off the boat and started after it when I looked...
This hunt was my dads I was just the camera guy. But it was a great experience. Like I said before we watched this bear and another fighting about three miles away. They were fighting over that big pile behind the bear in the pictures. It turned out that three days before we got there another...
Here are the pictures from Alaska on are brown bear hunt that i said i would show everyone. cathunt
PS Cat, were you had /j/ViewPhoto? it should have been /j/View? Go back in and do and "EDIT" on this post and See how I did it. That will help you for next time...
hope you get that big bear. I hope to make it down their soon. Let me know what you want to do? I would still like to work something out with you. Did you get my pict?
My season would be going better if I had a trained dog to run. But I don't but looking for one. If you get any more bobcats I would love to have them to mount I do taxidermy work my self.I would pay the shipping. thanks
I am looking for a trained dog to run cats next year put dont want to spend to much. I have a black & tan right now that I am having trouble training so I need a helper.
If anyone has a dog that they could let go for not to much let me know. (close to Montana) cathunt