Harold is definitely dumping a ton of rain in South Texas. Nothing at my house yet but my hunting grounds down south are getting absolutely pounded, which is really good news; we might get another blue quail hatch out of it to boot. Hopefully Harold dumps some rain on you too.
21.7lb brisket. Was fantastic, “Girls Weekend” at the ranch when my buddies bring their daughters and my daughter brings her friends too. A dozen 10-16 year old girls. Lots of happy eaters. Made 4 dozen jalapeño poppers and a pile of chicken too, but the brisket was far and away the favorite.
I think he’ll go about 150, give or take. 100” frame (beams, inside spread + mass) and about 50” up. If his G2’s are 15”, the right G3 is about 6-7”, (don’t see a fork on the left) and his G4’s are 7” that would put him right at 150 gross.
From my somewhat limited experience with shooting elk and seeing them shot, they won’t jump and run like a whitetail. They may pause a second and then run. They may just stand there going “wtf??” While you perforate their thorax with a pound of lead. Put one in the lungs and they will die...
it’s a shame what CB has become, I’ve spent about 75% of my vacation time in and around the area over the last 15 years. Had an awesome vibe until about 10 years ago. Once they built that abomination of an arts center it lost its appeal to me. Progress I guess…
I got attacked by Africanized “killer” bees when I was 21, 40+ stings on my back and face. Mild reaction, didn’t go to the dr or anything. I’ve been stung dozens times since, and fortunately none have caused any real reaction yet. I always used to carry epi-pens when the kids were little, I...
Yes, the little buggers can get expensive. My 13 yo son has been wade fishing the river about an hour from our house with me since he was 6 or 7 years old. Same place I started fishing with my dad almost 40 years ago. It’s cheap, fun and always have some sort of memorable experience. A...
I’ve never bothered with a pistol in Colorado or NM, but when I archery hunted western Wyoming a couple years ago on the edge of grizzly country I carried a pistol and bear spray. Bottom line, if having a pistol makes you more comfortable then take it.
I think there is some legitimacy to the unit wide land owner vouchers in units that have highly migratory herds. In many units the deer and elk are not down on private during the hunting season, but they are down by late November and may be down on Private until May. Doesn’t seem unreasonable...
Pretty much trying to save a few school absences, trying to keep her down to missing only 3 full school days. Since it’s 1000 miles from our house it’s all got to be in one go. It’s tough to miss a whole week of school, especially early in the year. She has several Honors/AP classes and I...
My 16 yo daughter drew a muzzleloader buck and a bull tag in the second draw. I know the unit really well and have hunted it 10 of the last 15 years and spent a week scouting every year in the summer during that time, but have never hunted Muzzleloader season. She won’t be able to hunt the...
That sucks, I’ve had a freezer quit before and it’s kind of a sick feeling throwing meat away. Luckily mine was only about a month before deer season.
Last year some illegals left the freezer in my hunting camp open and we lost about 100 quail that we were planning on cooking for a party the...
It’s working out great for my kids. This sentiment that I have heard many people express of Dad drawing the tag and hunting it rather than their kid is totally ridiculous. I’m sure someone out there has done it, but if someone is a crook and a poacher they are probably not going through the...
Well sir, in that case I most certainly do agree and pledge to not mow my whole neighborhood.
I was merely making a tongue in cheek poke at some in the Climate Change awareness movement who preach reduced consumption while reaping the benefits that modern society and cheap abundant energy has...