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Recent content by Ridge Runner

  1. Ridge Runner

    NM Buck

    Great story to go with a great buck. Congrats.
  2. Ridge Runner

    CO Deer

    Great bucks and great story. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Ridge Runner

    2014 Alaska Moose

    What an adventure and a great finish. Congrats to both of you.
  4. Ridge Runner

    Possibly relocating to western Virginia for work

    The George Washington National Forest has some pretty good hunting. Lots of hardwood forest back there but plenty of hunting opportunities. Spent some time back there myself. there is a guy on here Davehawk who does a lot of hunting back there still so maybe send him a pm and get some info. I...
  5. Ridge Runner

    Best Western

    Tombstone, The life and times of Judge Roy Bean and True Grit. Fill your hands you son of bitch!
  6. Ridge Runner

    Summer family/Basecamp tent

    Have you looked at the Cabelas Alakanak? I have one and use it for summer camping and also late fall hunting. very nice and easy to set up also. can add features like the vestibule and a stove. worth a look. I have the 12 x12 and plenty of room.
  7. Ridge Runner


    Very nice!!
  8. Ridge Runner

    Limited Entry Bull Elk Utah (pictures)

    Good looking bull and mount. Congrats.
  9. Ridge Runner

    Few recent parrots

    Great Pics and a great dog. Good job to both.
  10. Ridge Runner

    mendocino national forest, california???

    Mendocino National Forest has some great opportunities for Non Residents. A zone tag can be purchased OTC. Can be used for archery and rifle if not filled. Blacktail deer. If just into Archery you can get just a AO tag "Archery Only" and hunt a few different zones. Pig and Turkey can also be had...
  11. Ridge Runner

    2013 season in the books

    Great job. Some good looking animals there.
  12. Ridge Runner

    Lions vs Eagles

    fox sports page had a good article on the snow removal rules also. brought on by that Miami New England game when the snow plow veered off course and cleared an area for the field goal kicker. no more of that happening!
  13. Ridge Runner

    Columbia Blacktail Advise

    I agree with 2rocky. Cali has some great opportunities for Blacktail.
  14. Ridge Runner

    Dear Meat and Nail Polish!

    Looks like a great time with family in the field. Congrats to you and your daughter on a successful hunt. Happy Thanksgiving!
  15. Ridge Runner

    Bottom of the 9th Schuylkill County PA Bruin

    Congrats to your brother on a nice bear and getting it done. Now good luck with the rest of your quest.
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