Caribou Gear Tarp

mendocino national forest, california???


New member
Nov 7, 2013
Rockford, MI
So, I just discovered my wife's cousin lives not far from this area. I may be hunting there next year. Just wondering what everybody's thoughts and experiences on bow hunting this area are. What kind of critters are in the area, tag draw info for non-resident, success rates, or any info really. Thanks for any, and all info. I know it's a ways off, but that's ok.

Tattoo Dave
Non-resident stuff is tough in California all the way around. Expensive, hard to draw etc etc. There are some nice black tail there though if you get a tag.
Mendocino National Forest has some great opportunities for Non Residents. A zone tag can be purchased OTC. Can be used for archery and rifle if not filled. Blacktail deer. If just into Archery you can get just a AO tag "Archery Only" and hunt a few different zones. Pig and Turkey can also be had depending on what area you are hunting. If around Clearlake or Stonyford area get back to me and I can give you some info on areas. Black bear also can be purchased OTC and runs the same time as deer season.
Ridge Runner is spot on......easy to get a tag as they're virtually unlimited, even for non-residents. It is home to some of the best Columbia Blacktail Deer hunting, as well as a very healthy black bear population. The only "negative" aspect of the region is it is also the #1 producer of illegal marijuana cultivation grow sites in the predominately by Mexican Cartels. Just keep an eye out for small diameter hosing (water irrigation) and steer clear if you come across such activity and you'll be fine.
Thanks for the info fellas!! Sounds like some good hunting. Ridgerunner, If I end up going out there, I'll get a hold of you for sure.

BOHNTR, Good heads up!! I don't need that kind of drama on any hunt.

Tattoo Dave
Keep in mind that bow season for a zone starts in July. It will be very hot, and extremely dry in most years. Spot and stalk can be very difficult. I have seen alot of guys use east coast tactics.
So, I just discovered my wife's cousin lives not far from this area. I may be hunting there next year. Just wondering what everybody's thoughts and experiences on bow hunting this area are. What kind of critters are in the area, tag draw info for non-resident, success rates, or any info really. Thanks for any, and all info. I know it's a ways off, but that's ok.

Tattoo Dave

Mendo NF is a big area. Where does your cousin live?
There is lots of water in the Mendocino National Forest, the Bear Creek, Lake Pillsbury, Eel Rivers head waters of the North, South, and Middle forks. It's a very large area. You can drive from Nice to Covelo, Stoneyford to Lake Pillsbury. Some private property's, over all great roads. BLM has maps of roads and trails.
We are in the middle of a severe drought and I agree finding water will be the key to a successful hunt especially if you don't get a chance to scout.