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Columbia Blacktail Advise



Looking to complete my North American Deer Slam with a columbia blacktail harvest. I'm aware of the previous blacktail threads and some of the great outfitters out there. With a dall sheep hunt this coming August, Prince of Wales black bear in September, and getting married in 2015 I'm looking to do this DIY. My research has pointed me towards a late season over the counter tag in Oregon. I love bow hunting but want to hunt them with my rifle. Any suggestions, comments, or advise would be greatly appreciated. Any pics would also be appreciated!
I've researched the same hunt for the same reasons... ;) One thing you might consider, IMO, is if you have an OR legal muzzleloader (IIRC they have some different rules on what they allow in ML season) you might consider going that route. Again, IIRC the ML season is later and generally a part of the rut.

Beings that I will probably only every kill one of these, I'm sorta leaning towards going with a guide if I can convince BOY and my wife (yes in that order) to splurge for it. I've found some hunts for a fairly reasonable price. Good luck!
Any of the CA B zones.
Archery Seasons from the last week of Aug-middle of September.
A week break,
Rifle seasons from mid Sept-Last part of October (18-24th). If there is weather, good opportunities at rutting bucks in Late Oct.
Hunt the Wilderness areas like you are hunting Rocky Mountain Mule deer.
I lived in California for 4 years and can kick myself in the rear end for not chasing them there. My x is from Washington and I didn't hunt them there either. If only we could go back but that's not happening. I'm not set on Oregon and to be honest I'm not looking to shoot a monster either. Just a nice Columbia blacktail. Tuff flying 3000 miles into an area you know nothing about. Appreciate your input.

2rocky and Ridge Runner. How is access there to hunt them and where would you suggest I fly into?
I've researched the same hunt for the same reasons... ;) One thing you might consider, IMO, is if you have an OR legal muzzleloader (IIRC they have some different rules on what they allow in ML season) you might consider going that route. Again, IIRC the ML season is later and generally a part of the rut.

Beings that I will probably only every kill one of these, I'm sorta leaning towards going with a guide if I can convince BOY and my wife (yes in that order) to splurge for it. I've found some hunts for a fairly reasonable price. Good luck!

Not a muzzy guy but have a TC I could convert to one. The rut seems like the best chance at getting one. Will have to kick that around also.

I will only hunt them once myself. 16 other critters to chase besides these guys :D. If I could swing a fully guided hunt I would but I have so much on my plate right now. I know going out there blind will most likely end up with tag soup but finacially it looks like a DIY hunt for me. On your end I hope they spring for you! Good huntin'
last week of the general rifle season in oregon is good too. lots of clear cuts and land to hunt. lots of locked gates that you can hunt behind if you walk or bike into. just have to do a little research. stay on the west side of Interstate 5 and it will be a legit blacktail by book standards.

I hunted over there this year about 4-5 days and saw a dozen or more bucks and we went 3 for 3.
In my area (Washington) the best time is the last week of modern firearm (end of Oct.) and late buck (4 more days weekend before Thanksgiving) seems like they schedule seasons to avoid peak rut.
Archery and ML run early (Sept.) or late (end Nov.-Dec.)
last week of the general rifle season in oregon is good too. lots of clear cuts and land to hunt. lots of locked gates that you can hunt behind if you walk or bike into. just have to do a little research. stay on the west side of Interstate 5 and it will be a legit blacktail by book standards.

I hunted over there this year about 4-5 days and saw a dozen or more bucks and we went 3 for 3.

Of course without giving me grid coordinates. Where would a good starting point be? Would you mind posting some pictures? I was also told to fly into Portland instead of Eugene to save on airfare. Any suggestions on a motel in the hunt area? Thanks!
2rocky and Ridge Runner. How is access there to hunt them and where would you suggest I fly into?

Sacramento would put you on the Southeast End.
Redding would put you directly East.
SFO and Oakland would be on the extreme south end.

Of course without giving me grid coordinates. Where would a good starting point be? Would you mind posting some pictures? I was also told to fly into Portland instead of Eugene to save on airfare. Any suggestions on a motel in the hunt area? Thanks!

here are some pics on my FB page. hopefully this works.

What i would do is probably contact Roseburg Forest Products and Weyerhaeuser and see if you cant obtain maps of their lands. there is a ton of it, but trying to tell you a place would be really difficult to do without giving away friends spots.

I would start there and see what they say.

i would fly into portland to save money as well, rent a vehicle. probably dont need anything too fancy cuz most of the roads over there are pretty good really. some you can drive but i would think you would have better luck finding locked gates and hoofin it in a couple miles or even 1 mile.

Hotels?? i always stay with friends and family so i dont really know what to tell you there. but there are plenty of towns all through the eugene -roseburg -drain area.. should be too much of a problem finding one, just the right price may be difficult.

oh yeah...... and Pray for no fog!
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2014 is going to be a great year to rifle hunt. The season will run until Nov 7th as opposed to Nov 1 this year. That one week is huge based on my extensive trail cam scouting. Most generally I just start getting daytime pics on Nov 1.

A dandy! National Forest buck that will be easier to kill next year....
An average Oregon Coast Buck from opening day of rifle season this year.

Opening day 2011.......ODFW aged his by tooth cross section as an 8 1/2 year old.

My best archery Blacktail from 1991. Netted 127 5/8...... I've only seen a handful bigger in my life while hunting.
My son Dan's best Blacktail. A true Blacktail that would probably make the B&C Awards book but I've never had it scored.....need to do that!

My biggest fork! Tank of a Blacktail.

Dandy buck getting a little stinky but still very nocturnal.

While slipping across this same flat this Nov 12th a comparable buck came along with his nose to the ground within 25 yards at noon! Next year.....:cool:
Wow! Great bucks. Thanks for everyones input and pics. It looks like I'll be hunting the Oregon coast either this year or next DIY. Good huntin'
Guess you didn't take was I was saying as anything.Told you this is the year to go.I got good imfo from lets GO
Can't wait till the last week of the season. No matter where I am or what I'm doing I'll be up in the woods that week. Got a place already picked out if the kitty cats don't get in and ____ it up. Not going to shoot the first forked horn I see. Holding out for a big one this year. Haven't been able to hunt this late in many years. Everyone is excited. Can't wait.

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