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Recent content by Kraven

  1. K

    being creative

    Great looking calls Let us know how they do.
  2. K

    How many calls to you carry?

    Really doesnt matter too much I dont think on species of bird. Been my findings each bird will like something that suits them. Different pitch, tone, loudness. But Merriams are very vocal and love to gobble. We had a pack of yotes yippin abouve us early one morning and that Tom went hoarse from...
  3. K

    Patterned my LH 1187

    Looks pretty good Gila, You may just get another choke to tighten some of them up bud.
  4. K

    Need advice

    I would assume they would work well but if there is coyotes in the area you could always use a coyote howler.
  5. K

    Turkey picture Contest....

    Thanks mdcrossbow for getn this up to the top.I know there are a few states open already. Lets see if anyone has any pics of Gobblers yet.
  6. K

    New Member

    Welcome aboard David a custom call maker eh gotta like that.Will have to check out your site then.
  7. K

    LH 1187 Turkey Shotgun project

    WOW you have been away for awhile.Glad ya made it home safe though. Looks like you patterned your gun today not too bad.We tried shooting the PMC loads a couple yra ago but couldnt get it too pattern it very good.Looks like your results are a bit better than ours were.I have been shooting the...
  8. K

    How many calls to you carry?

    I normally have 2 box calls, 3 to 5 pot calls w 5 different strikers a gobble shaker, crow call, pilleated woodpecker call. My go to call is a slate pot made by Turkey Love Call. Would love to get more of these calls but dont think the guy I got them from visits the site anymore. Think it was...
  9. K

    LH 1187 Turkey Shotgun project

    Hey Gila been doing good I got engaged and am getting married in late June. The NWTF and hunting are definately keeping me busy.But other than that just healin up from a couple shoulder surgeries here lately and waiting for Gobbler season too hurry up and get here. Taking the kids on the youth...
  10. K

    LH 1187 Turkey Shotgun project

    Very cool John looks GREAT. That definately looks like a completely new gun.
  11. K

    Boise NWTF activities

    Hey WD Id love to swing it but unfortunately I will be getting 2 kids ready for their first ever Turkey hunt starting the 5th up by Colville in Washington. Good luck to ya again, I actually had to throw 2 banquets this year since the guy that was SUPPOSED to be in charge bailed and since I was...
  12. K

    Boise NWTF activities

    Good luck to ya WD on your banquet. We had ours March 1 and did pretty good for a first yr banquet we had 105 people there. I am possibly fall hunting Idaho for Turkey this year in the Moscow/Deary area since my Fiances parents live in Deary. Good luck to ya on your banquet.
  13. K

    Encore shooters I need opinions.

    Hey TN good too see ya here but heck I dont know anyone that shoots an Encore besides you.
  14. K


    Well Im sorry that you didnt have success in your hunt but I sure hope you enjoyed your time down there in the warm weather.
  15. K

    Anyone gettin pumped up yet

    Umm Yeah lets see............. I will let him tell the story when he gets back online. Think hes dating someone right now tho. Been up here for a month and a half I think.

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