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How many calls to you carry?


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
What is your go too call ?

I am building a collection and would like to know what are the necessity calls and what are the back ups ?

go to: Roberts Bros. Glass
I normally have 2 box calls, 3 to 5 pot calls w 5 different strikers a gobble shaker, crow call, pilleated woodpecker call.
My go to call is a slate pot made by Turkey Love Call.
Would love to get more of these calls but dont think the guy I got them from visits the site anymore. Think it was DKO in florida I believe.
I carry 3 pots (glass, aluminum, slate) one box call (this year it's a mahogany/walnut), 4 strikers (wenge, persimmon, hickory, acrylic), one tube call, an assortment of mouth calls, a Woodhaven crow call, and an owl call (made by Rick Powell)
I carry three pots,glass over slate, and a couple slates only. One box, cuz i lost my lucky one...picked up and moved on a Tom ...and left it well I the tom though. about 10 different mouth calls, then this year I picked up a through style slate, and a wooden peg style call. Don't find them much out west, so I fuigure there won't be to many like it out here.

Forgot about your question on a goto call, mine is a walnut slate over slate made by some local fellers..Backwoods calls. Goes real soft and real rich.
wally, the one shaped like a bottle is all you need! LOL.... I carry one box , one slate, and usually one push button but seem to lose it every year.
I'll take about a dozen to maybe 15 mouth diaphram calls, a couple of slate calls, a couple of box calls, a crow call and a varmint call. I will also take 5 inflatable decoys with me as well. I have one of those large turkey vests so it all fits.
I've expanded what I'm carrying this season. At least 2 regular box calls and a boat paddle box. Six diaphrams and a wingbone call. A slate pot, glass, aluminum, and cooper pots. Owl hooter and crow call. Four to five inflatable hen decoys w/ a jake on public land, or a strutter on private land. Last, but certainly not the least, a Double Bull Titan 2 blind w/ a folding chair.:D

And for my Texas Rio hunt, my .45cal. XD with CCI shot loads.
Gawd I hate snakes!!:eek:
I have my vest and I beginning to pack for SD.

Now what calls would you carry for hunting Marriums? Someone said they like raspy.
Find the roost tree and you dont have to carry any calls.
What's the fun in that? Hunt at the grocery store and you don't need any calls either.

Seriously, you guys carry a lot of chit. What would you need 15 mouth calls for? Do you guys use more than one call at a time so you sound like a flock of hens... one-man turkey band?
We must have dumb turkeys around here. I always figured if I wanted to go turkey hunting, I'd just take a shotgun.:confused:

Here's a bunch I ran into a couple of weeks ago. They just shuffled out of my way as I walked down to the creek.

Really doesnt matter too much I dont think on species of bird. Been my findings each bird will like something that suits them. Different pitch, tone, loudness. But Merriams are very vocal and love to gobble. We had a pack of yotes yippin abouve us early one morning and that Tom went hoarse from gobbling so much. He eventually was shot the next evening by my brother.
Really doesnt matter too much I dont think on species of bird. Been my findings each bird will like something that suits them. Different pitch, tone, loudness. But Merriams are very vocal and love to gobble. We had a pack of yotes yippin abouve us early one morning and that Tom went hoarse from gobbling so much. He eventually was shot the next evening by my brother.

same here I hunt rios/easterns and Merriams every year with the same calls depemds on the day, i will say though I seem to have more luck on Merriams with less rasp more squeaky...must be a tom looking for the youger hens;)
I'm getting excited about a SD hunt. Everything is lined up like toy solders on the toy box. Plus I found out this morning that my son Jake has a weekend leave saved up , so we will be able to hunt the opener in Va on the 12th day after I return. This is going to be a fast and furious. And maybe see a some birds down.
We must have dumb turkeys around here. I always figured if I wanted to go turkey hunting, I'd just take a shotgun.:confused:

Here's a bunch I ran into a couple of weeks ago. They just shuffled out of my way as I walked down to the creek.


if you had a shotgun they would not act that dumb.... never fails.
I can't believe that people that feel the need to post in this topic when they have no appreciation for the sport of Turkey hunting (turkey calling). It's all about calling them in people, not killing a turkey. Killing the turkey is a bonus. Shooting a turkey out of a roost could get you shot in my part of the world and wandering about with a shotgun scattering the birds and screwing up serious turkey hunters isn't how it's done either. This was a simple topic about what calls turkey hunters carry with them. If you happen to not be a turkey hunter, why do you feel you have the right to disrupt the discussion by some of us that enjoy the sport. I see no difference in this behavior than a non-hunter posting antihunting crap in a hunting topic.
OK, I'll try to step down off the "Post Tosties box" now.
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