
Bill M

New member
Dec 12, 2001
Just got back from Holt Florida from hunting Blackwater State Forest and Eglain Air Force Base. Heard one gobbler on scouting trip but never heard a sound after that. I ran back trails and found plenty of tracks so the next morning would get in there and not a sound . But would set up and put in two and a half hours in one spot and the only thing that would show up was hens. Thought for sure sooner or later a gobbler would trail in behind them but it never happened. On my way home yesturday a semi hit a tanker on I-65 loaded with 6500 gallion of used motor oil . Destroying both tractors and spilling it all over the free way . Set six hours before it was cleaned up enough to get the trucks and cars off the freeway, then they close it till everything was carried off and cleaned up. Then north of Indy ,it was raining like crazy and people truckers and four wheelers driving like a bunch of nuts piled up again . But was able to get to a off ramp . Moral of this story slow down and never leave home with out a Garmin G.P.S. what a life saver. Had a ball but after hunting Florida for eight years I want to try Texas next year if I can get info about a hunting area. Weather was great low 70's , sure is nice to get to 70 degree weather when it is still winter here at home. Bill
Bill, great to talk with you and get to "know" you by phone! My Texax Turkey Hunting Buddy is expecting a call from you!
Hope y'all can hook up and have great hunts!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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