Anyone gettin pumped up yet


New member
May 9, 2001
Hey guys just curious if anyone was getting pumed up for the upcoming Turkey season yet. My season is starting early this year as I have got my fiances 2 boys to get birds for in the youth hunt. So we are heading over to go hunt April 4th and start the hunt the next day. Hopefully the kids wont be too tired from the 5 1/2 to 6 hour drive to get out of bed early and hopefully whack a couple birds. The genral hunt opens up the 15th of April and we will be headin back into the same area for the opener to see if I can get Lisa her first spring bird. She got a nice Jake last fall for her first hunt while I shot a nice young hen for a great double,I think I was more excited for her than she was lol. Well talk to ya soon gotta go.:)
Hey, Kraven -

How is it going? We haven't heard much from you for a while. I kind of lost contact with your friend, Cameron, who moved down here when I changed jobs and lost my company cell phone with his number in it.
I have a hard time getting real fired up, even though there are turkeys lousy thick all over.

It's fun to get out and call them in, but if this place had bear, I'd prefer to do that.

I suppose I'll take between 2 and 10 birds this spring. I need to learn to call with a diaphram call, much easier to manage the bow.
Hiya Cali I am doing pretty good rite now aslong as my shoulder keeps healing up,have to shoot right handed this Turkey season because of it. My buddy Cameron moved back up here in Washington but hes in the central part of the state rite now. I love the spring season mainly to get back in the woods early and to hear the gobble brite and early in the morning. I like watching the woods come back to life in the mountains. Im hoping to take a few birds this season with family and friends.
Kraven, Hows it Going ? I'm not much of a Turkey hunter but I might slip ou tthis year for my boy. It's his first year having a licence .. Well, He takes the test this Sat.

Tell Cameron Hi fo me. He left HUnttalk mad once i think when I said that I didn't think Indians should be able to slaughter the animals. He's part something or other I guess and took offence. At any rate, No hard Feelings, Hope he's doing well too !!

Good luck and take pictures to post !!
Moose hows it going? Im doin well here just trying to get better,had my second shoulder surgery a month ago and doin alot better.The only problem is its my left shoulder and being a left handed shooter it does pose a few problems. But I will adapt and shoot right handed this spring. Very cool on your boy getting his hunter safety test almost completed and hopefully you can get him out and get him a bird. Lisas boys got theirs taken a couple months ago and are excited to hit the woods and go hunting this year. Yes I met the woman of my dreams finally and yes shes an Idaho girl from Deary just east of Moscow. I will let Cameron know you said HI, dont see him much as he is in the Central part of the state now. Feels good to be able to chat with you all again.
Umm Yeah lets see............. I will let him tell the story when he gets back online. Think hes dating someone right now tho. Been up here for a month and a half I think.
I'm getting pumped. My money is in and the 6th I leave for the Bad Lands. After that I'll get Jake out for a hunt or 2 in Va again this season. We were watching a flock of 30 hens and 6 mature Tom 2 weeks ago. And if I can find the time I got an invite to hunt in Tenn and NY. I haven't even thought about the 4 farms around here I hunt yet.
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