Recent content by hunter49

  1. hunter49

    You can only kill one next year

    Got the elk bug at the moment so that got my vote. Although chasing big mule deer has a special place in my heart and got me started down this road.
  2. hunter49

    Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

    Diarrhea of the mouth^ Just keeps going and going.
  3. hunter49

    AZ is starting to hit cards for the draw.

    #1st choice. Pretty pumped
  4. hunter49

    AZ License Expiration

    Ready to get out of this -23 and head south. The desert is calling my name.
  5. hunter49

    Colorado Big Game Brochure 2025

    Allocations just a mystery? Apply and find out later type thing?
  6. hunter49

    Archery how much do you shoot?

    Nothing usually Jan-March due to snow, and it's nice to take a mental break. Then 2-3 times a week April and May in the back yard. Then probably every other day or close to daily till hunting season, easy to just step out back and shoot 10 clean arrows when the targets are ready to go. Edit...
  7. hunter49

    Doubt this will impact agencies...

    What a dipshit response. I took a massive paycut out of the private sector to my current gov postion. Because everyday I get to work in the field of Native Tallgrass Prairie restoration. Where everyday I feel like I am able to give something tangible back to the ecosystem I grew up in and...
  8. hunter49

    Pause on Federal Grants - MD25-13

    Yeah. It's essentially the donkey kicking over the apple cart in my line of work. Alot of habiat and conservation is in limbo.
  9. hunter49

    South Dakota Bison

    No offense. What made u decide on that setup? Given the arrow weight and expansion. Sounds like a terrible pick given the density of the animal and hide.
  10. hunter49

    Wyoming hates NR fisherpeoples

    Hilarious. Ever been to the NE corner of SD in the winter? That's fishing pressure.
  11. hunter49

    HB145 - Increase NR license fees

    Have a question about the base liscense fee increase. So for the guys that have just been building points to one day apply for sheep goat. I look at it almost like a donation to benefit the species. With the hope of maybe drawing. 150 for the 2 BP. For $15 app fee I could understand...
  12. hunter49

    2024 Season... Finally ready to talk about it!

    The only piece of advice I can give after reading the story is don't be dinking around with your phone as a bull is pushing his cows your way.
  13. hunter49

    Arizona Draw 2025

    ? Was looking through the 25 regs for the tag allocations and can only find deer. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  14. hunter49

    Arizona Draw Question

    If u have 3 BP and I have 10. In the second pass. U get three auto generated numbers I get ten. So increased BP help you get more lotto numbers. Edit: elktrack got it.
  15. hunter49

    How much water do you carry in your pack?

    I burn through a fair bit of water. Try to plan ahead so I don't carry excess if not necessary. But going through 4 litters a day is common even on moderate days. Always carry 2 in 3 litter hydrapak. With a 32oz Nalgene. When we due our annual AT stretch I am always blown away at how much...

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