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HB145 - Increase NR license fees

That response kinda reminds me of one I know who was hard up one time and told me he would step over the penny’s and only pickup the quarters. Why not go for low hanging fruit. It might be all you can get.
You got my support show up and make it happen
This bill is no surprise. This attitude has been prevalent for decades. I’m really getting past the point of caring. Montanans (globally, don’t get your panties in a knot) don’t want to foot the bill when someone else will do it for them.

Eventually, those paying the bill will gain the upper hand in defining wildlife management in MT. HB 139 is the tip of the iceberg.
I am not going to get too worked up on a 85 dollar increase to the NR base license. However as one of the people that came up with the base license, soaking the NR is the opposite of the intentions of the CAC. The base license was intended to bring a little more parity between NR and R license sales and require hunters that only bought a few licenses to have a little more skin in the game. Looks like on the first reason we failed.
That response kinda reminds me of one I know who was hard up one time and told me he would step over the penny’s and only pickup the quarters. Why not go for low hanging fruit. It might be all you can get.
You would think that these licenses would be low hanging fruit. They are firmly attached to the tree. @BuzzH is the exception. Start messing with them and the beneficiaries and the relatives of the beneficiaries storm the orchard. There was plenty of bitching when we suggested raising the discount to half price.
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You would think that these licenses would be low hanging fruit. They are firmly attached to the tree. @BuzzH is the exception. Start messing with them and the beneficiaries and the relatives of the beneficiaries storm the orchard. There was plenty of bitching when we suggested razing the discount to half price.
Thats nuts.

I cant believe people dont see why these tags need to go.

I will drive to helena next go if it comes up.
You would think that these licenses would be low hanging fruit. They are firmly attached to the tree. @BuzzH is the exception. Start messing with them and the beneficiaries and the relatives of the beneficiaries storm the orchard. There was plenty of bitching when we suggested razing the discount to half price.
I guess I feel a lot of these things that are driven by emotion will have the worst effect on the so called “tradition” everyone holds near and dear to them. At some point the emotional side of things need to be thrown out the window, yes people will be upset but eventually will get over it.
I am not going to get too worked up on a 85 dollar increase to the NR base license.
Of course you won’t your not a NR , where does it end ? I’ll tell you where/when , when the tags stop selling out and they won’t . I looked at my cc statement from my bg combo app last year and it was over $1300 and that was with no pp I went into the random 0 pp draw . So with this fee increase and a pp now we are talking $1500 … it’s gonna make me look elsewhere / maybe thats what you/Montana residents want. Then where you think they’ll make the increases ? I know this isn’t your idea antler I just curious where it ends
Of course you won’t your not a NR , where does it end ? I’ll tell you where/when , when the tags stop selling out and they won’t . I looked at my cc statement from my bg combo app last year and it was over $1300 and that was with no pp I went into the random 0 pp draw . So with this fee increase and a pp now we are talking $1500 … it’s gonna make me look elsewhere / maybe thats what you/Montana residents want. Then where you think they’ll make the increases ? I know this isn’t your idea antler I just curious where it ends

It ends exactly when you say it ends.

It ends "when the tags stop selling out and they won’t".

It will never end. There are threads about people cashing in their 401K's to get elk tags....However, a lot of us will get priced out eventually.
Of course you won’t your not a NR , where does it end ? I’ll tell you where/when , when the tags stop selling out and they won’t . I looked at my cc statement from my bg combo app last year and it was over $1300 and that was with no pp I went into the random 0 pp draw . So with this fee increase and a pp now we are talking $1500 … it’s gonna make me look elsewhere / maybe thats what you/Montana residents want. Then where you think they’ll make the increases ? I know this isn’t your idea antler I just curious where it ends
Yeah getting to that point. Tbh I still am more annoyed than anything of paying 20% non-refundable every year for chance at LE since that's all I really care about for elk. Not to mention I am paying 20% for a tag that doesn't even have a tag allocated some years.
Yeah getting to that point. Tbh I still am more annoyed than anything of paying 20% non-refundable every year for chance at LE since that's all I really care about for elk. Not to mention I am paying 20% for a tag that doesn't even have a tag allocated some years.
I drew LE last year finally so that’s done with until now when I haven’t start over lol . Just deer combo and an elk point for me this year
Have a question about the base liscense fee increase.

So for the guys that have just been building points to one day apply for sheep goat.

I look at it almost like a donation to benefit the species. With the hope of maybe drawing.

150 for the 2 BP.

For $15 app fee I could understand rolling the dice.

So if im reading things correct. They now want $100 just to apply for S & G. On top of the 150 to accure BP.

How many guys are going to still consider that worthwhile? I know I'm thinking I maybe out on the yearly donation if that's the case.
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