Recent content by HighDesertSage

  1. HighDesertSage

    Dog Toys

    The struggle with the GSD hair is for real!
  2. HighDesertSage

    Dog Toys

    Did the nylabones hurt their teeth or wear them down?
  3. HighDesertSage

    Dog Toys

    I have two dogs that can destruct the "indestructible" dog toys in under 30 minutes. Curious if anyone on here has actually found a dog toy that lasts. I have two of the original kong toys already but looking for other things that might be more fun for the pups.
  4. HighDesertSage

    1000 inch whitetail?

    You’re out of your mind. That’s a 950’s buck at best…
  5. HighDesertSage

    Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope

    $700. If I can’t get that for it I will just keep it.
  6. HighDesertSage

    Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope

    come on someone needs a Christmas gift!
  7. HighDesertSage

    Whitetail and Mule deer throw down ! Who you thinks gonna win ?

    There was a video floating around somewhere of a whitetail trying to push around a bull elk
  8. HighDesertSage

    Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope

    Haven’t used this scope much over the years, and I need to fund another project. It’s a great scope. Nothing wrong with it. Always has been kept in the neoprene cover, which is included in the sale. $750
  9. HighDesertSage

    Food for thought

    I just want to to know what kind of skin cream that was. I am desperate and will try anything
  10. HighDesertSage

    My 2024 Iowa season

    Good luck this year. I miss chasing whitetails in Iowa.
  11. HighDesertSage

    The perfect ATV setup

    Not that one. He bites.
  12. HighDesertSage

    Bighorn Mts Road Closures

    The wind was absolutely crazy last night. Very hot and dry too.