Yeti GOBOX Collection

Food for thought

Yeah! My lady in red wanted to know what her made-up rash was and what was in the made-up cream make a more informed conclusion on the made-up numbers. Truly an independent and objective thinker.
I mean - its pretty straightforward with a cream. Did it work. Or did it not.

Did a gun law work? Maybe the law made crime go down, maybe other externalities did? Thats my point. Its a little more than a single factor analysis.

One of the main points - are you willing to change your mind based on data? To me - that answer simply depends on a lot, how the data was collected, what the baseline was, etc.
Seems like a good point in time to reflect on how our preconceived political beliefs turn us stupid. This is not partisan - it is all of us - it is both sides. Now is also a good time to take a deep breath and not use "beliefs" and assumptions as a guide to understanding reality.

Seems like a good point in time to reflect on how our preconceived political beliefs turn us stupid. This is not partisan - it is all of us - it is both sides. Now is also a good time to take a deep breath and not use "beliefs" and assumptions as a guide to understanding reality.

I spend far too many hours watching Veritasium.
I mean - its pretty straightforward with a cream. Did it work. Or did it not.

Did a gun law work? Maybe the law made crime go down, maybe other externalities did? Thats my point. Its a little more than a single factor analysis.

One of the main points - are you willing to change your mind based on data? To me - that answer simply depends on a lot, how the data was collected, what the baseline was, etc.
You ever been on a jury? Lady-in-red is why people avoid jury duty. No one is changing her mind on ANYTHING. She will debate with herself on having the jelly-filled donut vs the cinnamon twist donut for 20 minutes until the judge tells her to hurry up. Unfortunately, people like that are more numerous than you can possibly imagine.

There is a difference between being skeptical of a conclusion and questioning the accuracy of the data.
You ever been on a jury? Lady-in-red is why people avoid jury duty. No one is changing her mind on ANYTHING. She will debate with herself on having the jelly-filled donut vs the cinnamon twist donut for 20 minutes until the judge tells her to hurry up. Unfortunately, people like that are more numerous than you can possibly imagine.

There is a difference between being skeptical of a conclusion and questioning the accuracy of the data.
@Nick87 ^ I think we all know he's not wrong, so in many ways, my previous answer is tongue in cheek, because yes, I do think I'm better at evaluating problems and possible solutions than most others (i.e. lady in red). And I should edit my little rant because HT is probably above a lot of other groups. But how many people honestly have their opinions changed? I know mine has changed numerous times, often based on data presented here.
@Nick87 ^ I think we all know he's not wrong, so in many ways, my previous answer is tongue in cheek, because yes, I do think I'm better at evaluating problems and possible solutions than most others (i.e. lady in red). And I should edit my little rant because HT is probably above a lot of other groups. But how many people honestly have their opinions changed? I know mine has changed numerous times, often based on data presented here.
I can't watch the video. I'm trying to be quiet in the blind while arguing with you morons online. I have honestly had my opinion changed on several things. Majority of them on this site as well. We usually surround ourselves with like minded people. So, I do like the other perspectives I get on things from time to time here. Most folks have the algorithms feeding them more of their beliefs through an echo chamber of stupidity, reassuring there ideals. Scary when you think about it.
I'm one of the "slow people" that believes in absolute truth. The cream either helps or doesn't (statistically significant and binary).

But order to make the cream we have to extract oils from an endangered frog from the Amazon Rainforest. Those frogs are a critical piece of the local ecosystem and if we over extract that resource it could lead to CO2 levels declining at an unprecedented level.

I don't know if the cream is a good idea...enter confirmation bias, dis-information, ect. ect.

Some dude telling me people are dumb on a video is like saying water is wet.
Did you watch the video? That wasn't the point of the video at all.
Yes I did.

From the video:

"people will continue to hold partisan beliefs regardless of the evidence all the while deluding themselves into thinking they came to these beliefs by an independent sober consideration of the facts"

To me that means we are too dumb as a race to not fall into tribalism. Hasn't that been proven over and over throughout our history?

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