Whitetail and Mule deer throw down ! Who you thinks gonna win ?

The other thing I was that was interesting about the video you could hear the truck idling and running while the guys are filming it. Those two bucks are so rutted up that they don’t even care.
Whitetail are much more aggressive...its all about attitude. It's more common that the mule deer would of run off without even fighting.
Had a wt buck jump off a 15' cliff, nose dive into the road, flip aroud and run into the side of my truck that was going 70 mph, break off several antler points in the sheet metal of my door and ran accross 3 more lanes of traffic and across a pasture and over the hill outta sight. Big whitetails also dont stand still and look at me while I get situated for a shot. They are gone in a second in KY. Seem to be much smarter. Mule deer are much more fun to hunt
Had a wt buck jump off a 15' cliff, nose dive into the road, flip aroud and run into the side of my truck that was going 70 mph, break off several antler points in the sheet metal of my door and ran accross 3 more lanes of traffic and across a pasture and over the hill outta sight. Big whitetails also dont stand still and look at me while I get situated for a shot. They are gone in a second in KY. Seem to be much smarter. Mule deer are much easier to shoot

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