Recent content by easternmt

  1. easternmt


    Two grizz and one black bear the other day. The black bear didn’t stick around like this one.
  2. easternmt

    2024 Sheds

    Here’s one I found the other day
  3. easternmt

    How old was this buck?

    I’ll guess 5.5 also has the pot belly so mature anyways.
  4. easternmt

    Habitat improved? Kill more cows!

    The trick would be to get more land owner tolerance that’s what fwp manages for.
  5. easternmt

    Do you need therapy- check your social media feed?

    Was that you that called into father wubby about gumping it? 😆
  6. easternmt

    Montana deer questions

    Nice mature 4 point around 22 wide maybe mid 150’s. I’d let my kid shoot him but I’d let him walk.
  7. easternmt


    Glad you’re ok that looks like one of those crashes you see and assume someone didn’t make it. A little worse than a shanked tent.
  8. easternmt

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    You may call me spoiled for growing up with better hunting than most. But that still doesn’t mean I have to be alright or settle for crap! Why can’t it get back to where it was? Even if I didn’t get to hunt every year I’d be happier having a higher quality hunting experience than what we...
  9. easternmt

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Maybe we are close to the bottom of the barrel?
  10. easternmt

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I suppose this was all on publicly accessible land too?
  11. easternmt

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I would like to see 1 out of every five bucks seen to be in this age class but even 1 out of every 10 or even 20 would be an improvement.
  12. easternmt

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Looks awfully young to me just be judging it’s face
  13. easternmt

    26 year wait - Utah elk hunt

    I hope you locked that bull up in that dirty motel with you! Congrats!!
  14. easternmt

    Land owner preference gone to far?

    Thanks looks like it’s already being discussed