PEAX Equipment


How far would river current push a Swaro spotting scope and where was the rollover location? -Asking for a friend.

Seriously though glad you are okay. I had a scared moment myself a couple nights ago when I met an 18 wheeler taking up his side of the road and part of mine on the turn at the Lava Lake parking area. I was expecting the guardrail to hit the bed of my truck and and push me back into traffic.
Same thing happened to me at Greek creek. All I remember was the trucks outside wheels squished down to nothing going around the bend.
Yeah, I wasn't trying to derail and start anything. My comment certainly had nothing to do with Kurt's mishap.
Maybe I should have restrained.
I'm really glad " the Man" is OK.
No worries here. It's a point worth making. The only ones unhappy about Kurt not being hurt are likely the various big game animals of Montana!
How far would river current push a Swaro spotting scope and where was the rollover location? -Asking for a friend.
About this far. The tool box is roughly where the truck landed. This took place less than 1/4 mile south of where they have the gallatin check station. Instead of a white cross - there’s bark smashed off the bigger pines over 10 feet up as a reminder to drive slower and more carefully this time of the year.
Damn Kurt - glad you found the spotter. The truck is insured, the spotter probably isn't. Regardless, a spotter is a lot more valuable. :)
About this far. The tool box is roughly where the truck landed. This took place less than 1/4 mile south of where they have the gallatin check station. Instead of a white cross - there’s bark smashed off the bigger pines over 10 feet up as a reminder to drive slower and more carefully this time of the year.
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Kurt glad you are ok, how did the Swaro handle the tumble and swim?
How far would river current push a Swaro spotting scope and where was the rollover location? -Asking for a friend.

Seriously though glad you are okay. I had a scared moment myself a couple nights ago when I met an 18 wheeler taking up his side of the road and part of mine on the turn at the Lava Lake parking area. I was expecting the guardrail to hit the bed of my truck and and push me back into traffic.
Worst spot in that whole canyon IMO.
I got near 50 years waiting on a sheep. I would have fronted the $1000 starting 40 years ago.
I know a guy that has to be near 60 years applying for sheep. I wish there was a way to get you guys tags. Meanwhile bunch of dbags working on their second and third tags. LE sheep should be oil. Than you can go hunt for kittens if your so inclined.
Sheesh Kurt, looking at the truck it’s a wonder you made it out. Good thing too, had you not there would have been a family fight over who gets the pink elk call.
A long time ago now my brother nearly slid a car into the Gallatin. I'm glad you came out of it so well.
I quit bull riding in college because it was interfering with bow hunting.

I quit going to class in college because it was interfering with bow hunting, drinking, and chasing brunette buckle bunnies.

I quit chasing buckle bunnies because my son came along due directly to chasing buckle bunnies.

Never was the sharpest tool in the shed…
Yeah but buckle bunnies. 🥰

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