Curious if anyone has any experience with pushing Nosler ABLR 210's out of their 300WM. I do feel like I am close with using reloder 26. Times where I can get it to group around 0.5moa then there are times it opens up to right around 1moa. I currently have a a great load with 205 Berger EH and...
I'm ok if they reduce them. I've spent a lot of time up there getting ready for this hunt the time finally comes. I really don't want to be depending on E scouting for a new area to burn 15 pts. Wheels are turning whether I'm putting in or waiting... but I don't want to wait any longer either...
Makes sense due to limited access up there. I wouldnt think there would be any options available for any type 9 tags to be granted due to timing of fire and access closures
Yeah i was wondering about that. I'm looking at the type 9 hunt so I wouldn't expect any tags to be saver for that. I think the type 1 and 4 tags are the only ones that could get reserved
Yeah I was planning on pulling my 38 type 9 next year after helping a buddy with his tag this year. Been waiting 14 years to do this hunt. Looks like i will be doing research for another unit. Not going to wait 4 more years. Bummer for the guys with type 1s this year. Sorry for the bad luck.
Got a call and was asked if applying as a party and 4 of the 5 guys applied however the 5th guy had an issue come up and can't go. Will that application be void since one of the party members didn't fill out an app?