Barnes LRX 175 grain


Apr 9, 2011
Blue Ridge Mtns of North Carolina
Wanting to try the Barnes LRX 175 grain in my 300 Win. but my Hornady and Speer manual do not show the data for this I am using Reloader 22 but will try others if I can find data, does anyone know which manual covers this bullet?
In testing for my rifle (Howa 1500 with 26-inch barrel) with the Barnes 175 LRX the top powders were RL-26 and H1000 for accuracy
Using reloader 22 and getting good results powder around here is still pretty scarce and if you order close to 100 bucks a pound with all the hazmat and shipping gonna take a trip to Bass pro soon will look for both these Thanks
H1K worked great for me as well.
The normal 180 grain load data is where I started, started from that point.
The 180's work great too. Just whatever your rifle likes best.
I am using TTSX 180 grain in my 300 Win Mag. My original load was using H4831 SC which did well. I am now using H1000 and getting slightly better groups. Load data on Barnes website.
I've had good luck with my 300WM using either the 175 LRX or 180 TTSX and IMR4831.
I am considering dropping down to 168 bullets just to try h4350. I have 8 lbs of 4350 which if I get accuracy, then it might be worth it.
I load this for a friend's 300 Win Mag and he's getting 3064fps out of a 24" barrel with H1000. Better than 3/4 moa accuracy and very predictable drop/wind using the published 0.508 G1 ballistic coefficient. Load was worked up based on Hodgdon and Nosler load data for 175 and 180 grain bullets, then based on a pressure test ladder.
How did your work up go with H1K. Thinking about looking into the LRX again. Have some 175s but also am thinking about trying some 190s too.
I guess that was unclear? If you set the bullet at .050 , or less, off the rifling - lands, then take the overall loaded length. I'm sure someone can explain it better than I can.

Barnes recommends .050 to start, you move it further from the lands not less. Most of their bullets are happiest with a large jump.
Barnes recommends .050 to start, you move it further from the lands not less. Most of their bullets are happiest with a large jump.
I have definitely read the .050 recommendation as a starting point. I've also seen that .020 is acceptable. It's very possible that the.020 did not come from Barnes.
I'm going to start sounds like our friendly resident Hammer Bullets unofficial pro-staffer, but damned if they haven't been significantly more accurate and less fussy with regard to seating depth and pressure than the Barnes I've loaded. The 182gr. HHT slightly beats the 175gr. LRX for BC and beats it by 100-200fps comparing load data.