Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Youth/Wife/Gun Suggestions

Oh I see what you are saying No I was looking at the single shot but where I hunt some times you need to get rounds out faster buy the way does it have a lot of recoil.
My wife shoots a youth model savage 7.08 rem and a weatherby youth model 308 win, she shoots both of them very well, the only problem I am having is finding info on reduced recoil reloads. The Weatherby rifle comes with 2 stocks... a youth size and full size so they have a choice!!
Shoots-straight... sorry for the confusion, she shoots the factory reduced recoil loads well, not the full power loads, she was starting to flinch with the full loads. Since I reload and have all the componants I was trying to find out if anyone out there had any info on the reduced recoil loads off the reloading bench. The factory reduced recoil ammo is pricey and is going up day by day thought I could do better off the reloading bench.
Try the 170gr Laser Cast bullet in the 308. 40grs or so of 4320 works pretty well. It's also cheaper than jacketed.
30-06 hands down,you can get lighter loads,heaver loads,and you can find ammo in just about every mom and pop store around that sells ammo,not to mention you can hunt deer,elk,blackbear,cougar,in fact all of north american game has gotten killed by the 30-06,and my wife has used one for years.:)
I have a 7-08 that my wife shoots really well in a full stocked gun, but she is also 5'9" as well, but it recoils very little in a Rem. 700. My niece's and nephew all started out with a Weatherby youth in .308, and they wer pretty light framed kids and they did just fine. I was not terribly impressed with the "youth" stock that comes with the gun, felt blocky and heavy, but now that they have mounted the adult size stock, it's a better feelling gun. All three have killed deer and elk with that gun without using reduced recoil loads and seemed to tolerate the recoil fine. My bro-inlaw does not handload, so he simply bought them the Federal ammo in 165gr.
Earlier this summer I bought my 16 y/o daughter a 7mm-08. She's doing great with it so far. We're out to the 200 yd range and her groups started at about 8in.

Getting someone consistent is gonna be the key to being accurate on a regular basis.
Here's an idea i used for my small framed daughter. I had a 30-06 Savage Model 110 and had a muzzle brake installed. Lower recoil, although a bit louder. Plenty of gun for deer or elk with light recoil.

I had the wood stock cut and made shorter to fit her. Since she has grown up, now I put the stock back to original length.
Winchester Mod. 70 Featherweight in 6.5X55 Swede. It should appeal to a woman on many planes. It will also kill anything on four legs in North America without any imposing recoil.
I also love the Winchester Model 70... the three position safety is a good thing for new hunters IMO.

I also LOVE the 243... it's the caliber I started with and it's the caliber I'll continue to use for everything below elk sized game. In my experience... the 243 is DEVASTATING on Caribou, Whitetails, Antelope and Mule Deer. I have also killed some wild hogs with it when I was stationed in Georgia at the convenience of the Army.

Bottom line... whichever caliber you chose... make sure they shoot it well! Any of the calibers you've mentioned will get the job done ;-)
I think savage makes a lady hunter model. It's supposed to be ergonomically designed for women. I'd think 7mm-08, or 6.5 creedmore cause they about duplicate the 7 and 6.5 mausers if I was gonna go that way, but I think they chamber it in damn near everything. Look on gunbroker.
Winchester Mod. 70 Featherweight in 6.5X55 Swede. It should appeal to a woman on many planes. It will also kill anything on four legs in North America without any imposing recoil.

At last. If I wanted I rifle that would do all of the above, and would never have to be replaced it would be the 6.5x55. The .257 Roberts would be second choice. Nothing comes close to these guys.
My wife says she likes the .270...










Friggin' mtlion....enough said, go with the .270 :)
Sweet post! and that is one crazy goat man!!!! tell me you mounted that!
Friggin' mtlion....enough said, go with the .270 :)
Sweet post! and that is one crazy goat man!!!! tell me you mounted that!

We have a euro mount of that guy. That trait runs in the genetics where we hunt. My wife's very first big game animal was a buck like that but he was much bigger and we have him shoulder mounted.


There was one like this but freaking huge a solid 16 incher with mass that I watched all summer on a ranch I was working on. The ranch owner went to shoot him in rifle season and scared him across the fence where two 60-70 year old guys whacked him :)
That is insane, incredible mount, thanks for sharing man and it looks even more impressive on the wall.
That is insane, incredible mount, thanks for sharing man and it looks even more impressive on the wall.

That's not the same buck from the field photo but I bet they're related. That guy in the field we have a euro of, he wasn't as big as the shoulder mount.

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