Youth Hunters Education


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
New Zealand
I’ve just seen MT requires “Students age 12 to 17 and students who will turn 12 by Jan. 16 of the current license year (March - Feb.) can take Hunter Education online, but must also pass a required four-hour, in-person field day to be certified”

I have emailed MT FWP to see if this in person requirement applies to non residents youth as I was planning to apply my son in the 2025 elk draw. It would be difficult to fit in this course but will have to if my son draws. Not sure it would be much benefit as he’s been big game hunting since he was 12 years old.

Anyone have experience in this youth in person field day? Seems like it’s a new rule and only applies in MT.
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Idaho is all online and it doesn’t matter what state your hunters Ed is from. Save the hassle and just take Idaho’s course.
We both have hunters Ed already so my son can meet the requirements of all states except MT it seems. Might have to skip applying in MT next year.
We both have hunters Ed already so my son can meet the requirements of all states except MT it seems. Might have to skip applying in MT next year.
Should be good to use another states from what i know. . . However there is an onnline archery Montana specific education course too that is required to hunt with a bow.

Think i used this one.

Idaho is all online and it doesn’t matter what state your hunters Ed is from. Save the hassle and just take Idaho’s course.
This ^^^

From Montana FWP:

Who needs Hunter Education?
To purchase or apply for a Montana hunting license, anyone born after January 1, 1985, must complete a hunter education course issued by Montana, any other state, or any Canadian province.

Might have to skip applying in MT next year.
The above, as Addicting pointed out, means your son is good to go, if as you mention he already has it excluding New Zealand.
If no other U.S. State or Canadian Province hunter education course is complete, follow Addicting's advice and have him complete the Idaho "Online" hunters ed course and he would be in compliance with MT FWP requirement.
Or, as @cgasner1 mentioned call and inquire if we'd accept a New Zealand hunter education. As they say, you don't call/inquire, it's a definite no. No harm to call/email. Might save doing the Idaho Online course.
Thanks for the advice. I’ll wait to hear back from MT FWP.

I should have said we both have USA hunters education, so hopefully this means we are good to apply in MT.

Reciprocity should come in to play. If you both have completed the course & have authentication you should be fine.

The rule was changed last year due to concerns about only offering online courses & the resulting lack of good ethics from not having a field day.
All sounds good. I guess I got confused thinking MT requires hunters Ed for youth plus the need to do a MT field day. But if my son already has hunters Ed from another state that’s all he needs.

not sure if you saw this. Good luck in MT!