Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

You're givin' me a heart attack!

Glad to hear you are doing ok ,and still able to eat more homemeade chicken noodle soup.

Those doctors in Billings are world class in my book. Last year when we ere out there, i couldn't believe how well they treated and fixed my stepfather. He had a small one at home mowing the grass and it wound up being a bigger deal. He had a valve that was hardened and flaking. had it replaced back to walking in two weeks and up to five miles a day in six weeks. He listened to what they told him. lol In doing so feels better than he has in twenty years.
Glad to hear you are feeling better, Randy. And glad to hear you have a wife who isn't afraid to boss you around when you need it. :D
i blame Moosie. no doubt you guys had to meet in a public place to negotiate the transition. moreover it stretches the universe's collective iq to think he might have chosen any place other than mcdonalds. i am happy for you and pleased you understand your wife's superiority.
Dude! Scary stuff. Happy to hear you are OK. Heed the doctor's and take it easy.

Can you get Sitka to do some open back camo wear?
Not much of a line between stupid and tough when it comes to health. Glad to see you're realizing that. Sorry it took this to show you though.

Good luck on the recovery.
That is not grounds to take my coffee card and DQ rewards card from me.

Take your coffee AND your DQ rewards cards? No need to get extreme here Kim. It was just a minor heart attack. :)
Dang Randy...glad to hear your doing okay.

Good luck in Wyoming, I'm sure the sage will smell extra sweet.
You guys are right, as was she.

I seriously think the #1 killer of healthy men is obstinate stupidity. I had my moment last year on a solo mountain goat hunt in CO. The thought process when something like: "Sure... it's 3:30pm and the goats are a good 3,000 vertical feet above me. And my buddy said it took him 4 hours to climb this mountain that I've never climbed before. But I'm sure I can make it up there and back before dark. No problem." Well... a rockslide, injured ankle, and a long night on the mountain later... I made it out due to the very gracious help of a Silverton, CO search & rescue crew.

Should of listened to my wife before the hunt about her having reservations about me doing the hunt solo. Not only did it spoil a prized goat tag, I nearly killed myself.
Enjoy your hunt.

It really puts things in perspective though. Makes us appreciate our loved ones that much more.

Three years ago my parents were visiting Yellowstone. Both in their middle sixties and neither had ever been there. On my dads birthday they hike out to a lake for the day somewhere in the tetons. That night they go out for a big dinner, neither eat much usually, to celebrate his b'day. When their heading back to the hotel he said he's not feeling well and wants to lay down. He goes to bed in pain.

Next morning they get up and he's still hurting bad. Mom wants him to get checked but he
Says no.

They get ready to leave for the day and mom notices his color is grey.
Pretty soon he collapses on the hotel floor. She calls 911 and an emt is knocking on the door while she's still on the phone. Turns out she was being put up in the hotel. Emt does cpr till the ambulance gets there. They take him in but what he needs they can't do in Jackson Hole.

So they fly him to Idaho Falls and put medicated stents in. Mom drives herself from the Jackson hospital to the Idaho Falls hospital in the interm.

We get the call that night because mom didn't want to bother us. I found a direct flight to Idaho Falls, which I couldn't believe, and stayed with her until he was good enough that I could drive them home to Minnesota.

The hospital staff were great in Idaho Falls, as were the hotel staff. They treated my mom superbly at the hotel, wanting to make sure she had whatever she needed.

He's still here because of the great emergency workers in Jackson and the fine doctors in Idaho. Not because of our "superior " male intelligence :D

Sorry for the composition, typing from the stupid phone.
Scary! I'm glad you were able to get to medical care in time. Thank you for sharing your story. I would likely react to such an event as you did. I would not consider a cardiac event to be likely due to my age and health. This proves it can happen to anyone, and I'll be sure to remember this for the future.

Best wishes for a full recovery. Follow doc's orders to make sure that happens.
That's some serious stuff there Fin, glad our wives have the sense to keep us all in line when it comes to our health.

Glad you're OK. This should be a wake up call for a lot of us.
Wow..glad to hear your well. Thank god it happened at home rather than the back country
Montana general season just around the corner, rifle wolves in a few weeks, an exciting hunting / filming schedule all over the place ... it would make anyone's heart skip a beat with anticipation!

Cardiac anomaly or not, pay attention to your body's talk. 'Glad you are quickly returning to "normal" (???) and getting back on schedule. Take care of yourself ... and (as my wife remarked) don't just listen to Mrs. Fin ... do as your told (unless out of cell range).
Thank the Lord you had one of the "good" heart attacks, if there is such a thing. It sure makes us appreciate every day a little more. Take care, be conservative, get treatment. Easy for me to say, good luck doing that if you need it more.