Kenetrek Boots

Your Public Land (Pics)


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
I was out yesterday to visit several ranch clients. The first rancher is one of the most remote places you could imagine living. I thought I would post some pics for those that don't live in the west and show what some of your public lands look like.

After driving 60 miles I stopped to take a pic to show the big open



This was a very encouraging sign to me. Whether you love or hate them, ATV's are destroying public lands in the west.

While driving out in the middle of the prarie, no trees within miles, I came across several stock ponds that are still full from our ample June rains.


Zoom in and there is a hen and her brood from this year.


Great pictures.

I agree with all of you on the signs .
We use more of them in Idaho .
I do support the use of ATVs ------but only on roads and trails.
Great pics, YES the sign is a good one. I support ATV access if the terrain and road bed are sufficient, but I don't support cross country travel either.

BTW, criminals, not ATV are recking the public lands.
...ATV's are destroying public lands in the west.
That's like saying guns are responsible for violent crimes, school shootings, and.... They are legitimate tools when used by lawbiding people, and tools used by criminals, but possession of the tool should never imply illegal activity.....
Ten Bears said:
Great pics, YES the sign is a good one. I support ATV access if the terrain and road bed are sufficient, but I don't support cross country travel either.

BTW, criminals, not ATV are recking the public lands. That's like saying guns are responsible for violent crimes, school shootings, and.... They are legitimate tools when used by lawbiding people, and tools used by criminals, but possession of the tool should never imply illegal activity.....

Well, then there must be alot of criminals who own and use ATV's because there is alot of damage done by criminals riding them. The analogy using guns is not very relevent: Misuse a gun and someone is killed or maimed, misuse an ATV by riding illegally doesn't result in the death of a person. Not the same thing at all. Ask the average 22 year old guy out riding if he would rather stay on the trail or if it is more fun to hill climb or pioneer a new trail? Then ask him if he mishandles a firearm on a regular basis.

The analogy using guns is not very relevent: Misuse a gun and someone is killed or maimed, misuse an ATV by riding illegally doesn't result in the death of a person. Not the same thing at all.

I would say this is true, but there is more to it than just that.

How many signs and cars around the country have bullet holes in them and no one was hurt in the escapade?

Their are kids killed every year do to mishandling in an unsafe/illegal manor ATV's.

Ask the average 22 year old guy out riding if he would rather stay on the trail or if it is more fun to hill climb or pioneer a new trail? Then ask him if he mishandles a firearm on a regular basis.

Most 22 year olds will mishandle every thing they touch, just to see how far they can push the limits of what it is their playing with, or the law...

I would suspect, getting back to holes in signs, it would be the 22 years and less crowd that have put the vast majority of them there...
There is a pretty big difference between guns and ATV's. Hand someone a gun and they won't think it is fun to shoot it in an unsafe manner. Put someone on an ATV and they will have to try out where it is capable of going.

That still doesn't make the ATV's responsible. Only the person riding it is responsible for what it does. Duh!!! Jeeps and motorcycles are capable of doing lots of environmental damage also, and I don't hear people talking about them.
Your right, and it all boils down to education, people that operate guns right have been educated and required to handle them in a certain manor...

Parents buy ATV's and use them as a baby sitter, no one usually educates the kids now days on how to treat the baby sitter, they don't teach them about proper ATV use, they really don't teach them much of any thing any more...

Not saying most here don't teach their children right from wrong, but this board doesn't have most people in the United States frequenting it...

I am really stepping out on a limb here, but I would guess your children will operate them in the manor they are supposed to... Just as your kids will operate guns in the same way.

I would bet they will be polite to others also, not saying all children are that way, nor their parents bringing them up with that outlook on life...
Hey WH,

Next time you spend some time in the woods or while driving down the attention to the number of motorcycles you see in the back of trucks VS ATV's.

Get it?

Oh, and elkcheese,

How has the BRC done in their "education" programs????

Do you really think that ATVers need to be "educated" on not punching in new trails, driving off-road, driving through riparian areas, driving behind signed and gated roads, etc. etc. etc.???

Do we start the education process with an eye exam and reading/comprehension tests? I've found many that were either blind or dont know how to read....

If ATVers are too damn stupid to not use common sense and understand the written English language...they flat shouldnt be allowed to purchase an ATV.

It aint rocket science and no amount of "education" is going to help ATVers that are that ignorant.

It doesn't matter what I think on this subject, and it sure isn't any thing you need to blow your panties in a wad over...

I don't own one, I don't ride one, and I don't work on educating the little monkeys on where they go.

I try not to frequent areas that they ride in, so you need to piss in some one elses Wheeties because I really don't care that much to make this kind of issue out of. :D

Just stating facts, I have found the youth of today need to be told every thing... :rolleyes:

I know your not around the youth of today enough to know this, but thats the way it is, we even have to educate them on work ethics when they come onto the crew, and whats right and wrong.

So before you try blowing smoke up my brown eye, you need to learn what it takes now days to get things thru to these kids... ;)
Hey elkcheese,

When was the last time you came across a 12-year old kid punching in a new ATV trail????

I've seen many, and turned in many offenders...not one under 25 years old...and up to mid-60s'.

Yep, its those damn kids today...I've personally found the most offensive know-it-all, you cant tell me anything, I'll do whatever the hell I want group of people on the planet are 45-60 year old men who are still stuck in their childhood. They typically havent processed, accepted, or read any new information since high-school.

You truly are clueless.
My goodness Butz...

:D:D:D Get up and take a snotty pill again today??? :D:D:D

:confused: I guess that was meant to hurt or some thing... :confused:
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