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Youngest Grandson’s First


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2016
San Antonio TX
IMG_5514.jpegWent out this morning with every intention of the oldest busting one of the 3 10pts he wants. Sunrise came n the biggest that we know of was out there; mainframe 10 w a big kicker on his rt g-2 n tons of junk on his bases, only problem was his entire rt side was broken off! Hopefully it buys him a reprieve for next year from everyone out here.
More deer came n went w neither of the other 2 10pts. A spike came out w the does n young bucks and Nick asked if Gabe could shoot him? I asked if he was sure because it may mess up his chance at one of the big boys, he said it’s his brother’s first n that’s important. So good on the little man.
So lined the little man out n he plugged him!
Rt behind the shoulder, clipped the heart, n took out the bottom of both lungs.
140yds. When we got up to him, Gabe said, “geez, I’m a sniper!”
He’s 6!!
Was 6 when I killed my first good memories. Congratulations to both of you. By the way nice rifle what caliber and round was he shooting?
An addition…..went out yesterday afternoon…did the usual, helped him w the lock on the gate, he jumped on my lap to “drive” While heading down the road I noticed a nice one in the brush not 40yds beside us. Stopped, got the rifle out the sheath and loaded it. Lined up my grandson on the back of the truck but the buck started trailing the doe he must have been tending.
We then started paralleling him down the road, finally getting in front of him and the doe. Had my grandson lay the rifle on my shoulder n aim at an opening in the brush (rt by the old rock wall where my daughter’s wedding ceremony was held at the end of October) the doe came out followed by the buck n crack! Buck went down. Walked up to him n saw the hole in the neck! Grandson said he was aiming for the shoulder but he moved rt when he shot!!! Better lucky than good!!!!IMG_5565.jpegIMG_5563.jpegIMG_5552.jpeg
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