
You might be "old school" if...

Dead on Gunner!

...Herter's was a Go-To catalog. Best of anything in the world,

just ask them.
...You could buy a good surplus military rifle out of the back of an NRA magazine and have it shipped right to your house.
...The US gov't had a program to Support and Encourage civilian ownership of firearms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (something about WWII & Korea comes to mind)

Not that I'm showing my age, or anything.
Funny thread,but you guys are depressing me;)
Guess I will beat the heat this morning and go for a ride on my 80 speed mountain bike with full on suspension.Sure beats my banana peel and tube socks.

Johnson wool pants are NOT a sign of old age.:D
you stepped up to a 30-06, instead of a 30-30 leaver action

Scouting consisted of finding a good camping spot.

If you can remember asking about shed hunting and people stared back at you with blank looks on their face.
This thread is cracking me up. Seems to me you can be 'old school' with out being 'old' per se. But maybe that 's just 47-year-old me.
you stepped up to a 30-06, instead of a 30-30 leaver action

Scouting consisted of finding a good camping spot.

If you can remember asking about shed hunting and people stared back at you with blank looks on their face.

Heah....,I resemble that remark!

Too funny, I'm 60 you wippersnapper Ben!!

...if you look forward to putting on the "Wool Coat" if a front is coming in.....gonna be good.....
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If you carried your duck decoys in a gunny sack. When you were using the ball style oil lanterns to catfish at night. This thread sure does bring back alot of memories.
...if you remember when the Cubs won the World Series.

...if you have a P38 as your only can opener.

,,,,you have a cot made of green canvas and wooden posts.

,,,you have no idea what a "European Mount" is.
You went to the nearest convenient store of your lease to buy a box of tampons when you ran out of scent wicks. You had enough in one cheap box to last all year! String added for limb tying!;)

This is of course after a stern warning from the wife to never steal any more from the house!:confused:
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You left your air rifle on the school bus so that you would have it when you went home for a stay over at your friends house on Friday nights..
You got your hunting/camping needs taken care of at the Army/Navy surplus store.
Going deer hunting meant loading up the hounds and driving the roads to strike a hot track. I'm only 40 but this was the method used, I wish it was still legal for deer hunting.

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