Hunt Talk Radio - Look for it on your favorite Podcast platform

You might be "old school" if...

The only "replaceable blade" broadheads were the optional bleeder blades for Bear Razorheads.

Every pickup in town didnt have "Team Whatever" plastered all over the back glass.
You brought your shotgun to school and left it in the "cloak room" all day. Then after school you and your friends shot birds on the way home. And the SWAT team wasn't called. What the hell was a SWAT team?

Or the hardware store would "break" a box of .22LR and sell you one round at a time.
You hunted miles from the truck in cowboy boots and levi jeans. You missed a big buck because the cigarette smoke was burning your eye.
You still use a scope that doesn't need to have the range dialed in. Just sight it in and leave it there for the next 35 years.
If you remember getting a call from your Wyoming Rancher friend saying,"The deer are migrating down low. Come hunting and bring an extra turkey for Thanksgiving dinner"
Your favorite can of adult beverage had a pull tab you could use to fling the pull ring 50 feet into the distance. You held a big can of beans in your hand in camp while wondering why you did not pack the can opener. You stared at your hissing white gas lantern wondering why you did not pack extra silk mantles. Your flashlight used a 12V lantern battery. Your winter hunting coat was army surplus. Your winter "boots" were Chuck Taylors. Your dog did not sleep in the house and sure as heck not on your bed.
Pre-hunt rituals include putting a finish edge on your knife and working your boots over with Sno-Seal
...Herter's was a Go-To catalog. Best of anything in the world, just ask them.
...You could buy a good surplus military rifle out of the back of an NRA magazine and have it shipped right to your house.
...The US gov't had a program to Support and Encourage civilian ownership of firearms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (something about WWII & Korea comes to mind)

Not that I'm showing my age, or anything.
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