Yet Another Colorado New Guy


New member
Oct 12, 2022
Hey All! Just wanted to do the typical intro here. Born and raised here in Colorado and could not be more lucky. Started hunting a few years ago with my Dad and got the itch for it and now its what I always look forward to. Happy to be here on the forum and to get to know some of you guys!
Welcome from Montana!! What's your favorite cheese?

If you answer Velveeta for cheese do so at your own risk. It's not considered cheese on this forum. I found that out quick.
Welcome from Montana!! What's your favorite cheese?

If you answer Velveeta for cheese do so at your own risk. It's not considered cheese on this forum. I found that out quick.
Hey I do love me some velveeta cheese! But still gotta go with some mozzarella! Hard to beat it!
Good of you to join us. What are your hunting interests?
This year I have turned my focus to more backpack style hunting. Warm clothes, bag, pad, etc and put in the time and effort to make the hunt a success. I have been rifle elk hunting for a few years now and finally this year was also able to grab my first deer tag for 3rd season! Never been deer hunting so getting some experience with that and how to scout for them and find them as well.
Dont really care how big the animals are as long as they are legal. More of a meat in the freezer guy.
We need a quick start guide on ‘;issues’ for new members. LOL.

I do not recall the velveeta deal but search for ‘pucky’ I bet it is similar. Some folks cant abide certain foods. lol.

Anyway, welcome to you too C_M.
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