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Yes....another which caliber

No offense NDHunter, but Something is not right with that calculator, a smaller bullet at same speed will not have the same amount of energy, let alone more. 7mm does not have more energy than a 300WM, you could show me numbers all day long against that but it's just not possible.

Unless Nosler bullets are chit, there's just no way. Compare it to a Barnes bullet and then it's really not possible. And now I will have personal attacks against me because I said Nosler was chit as they are a sponsor. Here we go again.
No offense NDHunter, but Something is not right with that calculator, a smaller bullet at same speed will not have the same amount of energy, let alone more. 7mm does not have more energy than a 300WM, you could show me numbers all day long against that but it's just not possible.

Unless Nosler bullets are chit, there's just no way. Compare it to a Barnes bullet and then it's really not possible. And now I will have personal attacks against me because I said Nosler was chit as they are a sponsor. Here we go again.

It is possible. It's physics. Nothing wrong with noslers, I've shot and will continue to kill critters with them. Accubond is my favorite bullet in multiple calibers. Let's compare a Barnes LRX 127 gr to the 143 gr eld-x.
127gr Barnes LRX @ 3,250...6.5 prc
Distance, yards Bullet speed, f/s Energy, ft-lbf Time of Flight, sec Vert. correction, inch Vert. correction, MOA Hor. correction, MOA
100.0 3026.6 2583.1 0.10 -1.14 -1.10 0.6
200.0 2812.7 2230.9 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.2
300.0 2608.9 1919.4 0.31 5.55 1.77 1.8
400.0 2414.4 1643.8 0.43 16.22 3.88 2.5
500.0 2229.7 1401.9 0.56 32.87 6.28 3.3
600.0 2053.8 1189.5 0.70 56.54 9.00 4.1
700.0 1886.8 1003.9 0.86 88.46 12.07 4.9
800.0 1729.0 843.0 1.02 130.16 15.54 5.9
900.0 1579.7 703.7 1.20 183.50 19.47 6.9
1000.0 1438.6 583.6 1.40 250.87 23.96 8.0
It is possible. It's physics. Nothing wrong with noslers, I've shot and will continue to kill critters with them. Accubond is my favorite bullet in multiple calibers. Let's compare a Barnes LRX 127 gr to the 143 gr eld-x.

Yes it is physics, but simple physics. Greater mass at same speed has more energy, period. Never thought I would use my mechanical engineering degree on the internet, but it sure has come in handy lol

Nothing personal, but one has to logically think about this for a second.
No offense NDHunter, but Something is not right with that calculator, a smaller bullet at same speed will not have the same amount of energy, let alone more. 7mm does not have more energy than a 300WM, you could show me numbers all day long against that but it's just not possible.

Unless Nosler bullets are chit, there's just no way. Compare it to a Barnes bullet and then it's really not possible. And now I will have personal attacks against me because I said Nosler was chit as they are a sponsor. Here we go again.

If you send 180 gr projectile out of a .30 and a 7mm at exactly the same velocity the 7mm will retain more energy at every distance.
In an environment completely void of environment factors...yes. Close ranges, again yes. But the longer the bullet is in flight, no.
For that budget I would be looking at a Tikka rifle with the best glass I could get after buying quality rings. Im about to "pull the trigger" on a new T3x Compact Tactical Rifle in .260 remington. They can be purchased for under a grand in SS. By January I should have some feedback to post up!
I have a Ruger American Predator "dealer special" in .260 that shoots an inch with several different factory loads. Its wearing a cheaper Vortex diamondack. Whole package around 575. My 14 year old daughter shoulders it well enough and its light as can be. This is a cheap rifle option that so far has proven a great value. Not pretty but its kept zero after several knocks from the children that have learned to shoot with it.
If you run a 140 grain 3100 fps out of the PRC, it carries the same ft-lbs of energy out past 700yd as a 300 win with 180 grain @ 3,000fps.
That being said, I like 30cal holes when it comes to elk personally.

I looked at Hornadys info video on this cartridge and they state the muzzle velocity as 2910 for the 147 eld-m and 2960 for the 143 eld-x. Looking at this it seems it is an answer to a question that has been asked and answered many times. Example 6.5x284, 6.5 Creed, 260 Rem. It appears 3100 fps might be tad over stated from what I've seen. You know if you look at the 6.5 Remington Magnum you might find a sleeper there for the short action hunting crowd.

Also if you load comparable B.C. bullets in the various calibers I think you will find better down range ballistics the heavier the bullet given compatible velocities. Plus more recoil, heck nothing is free lol. But this is just my opinion but I'm posting it on the internet so it must be true.......right ;)
The Browning factory loads next to me show 3012fps with 3122ft/lbs @ 100 yards. That's with a 155 grain bullet. Your WM examples seem off.
Hahaha the ballistic chart madness....3100 Will be easily done with the 143 and reloader 17... pick what you want, shoot it, nevermind what the internet minions drum up!
Seriously? Your 1st year rifle hunting and you're going to lay out $4 figures on a rifle that critically limits your cartridge options? Coupon, or not, at that price point you have too many other options to limit yourself that narrowly.

Just off the top of my head, here's a short list of cartridges you've excluded that absolutely will fill your requirements and ALL can be had for 1/2 the $$$$. Spend the rest on a really good scope.

7mm RM
300 WM
338 Fed

You could even go semi custom with a wildcat !

Yeah, I can't help but have the same feeling. But, you should be excited about your new rifle, so get what makes you happy and use it within its limitations.
Buy three other rifles instead.
One in .22 magnum, one in 30-06, and one that's chambered in anything on sale.
Then buy vortex scopes for each of them.
Then take your family out to dinner with the money you saved.
For that budget I would be looking at a Tikka rifle with the best glass I could get after buying quality rings. Im about to "pull the trigger" on a new T3x Compact Tactical Rifle in .260 remington. They can be purchased for under a grand in SS. By January I should have some feedback to post up!

Would the CTR make a decent stalking rifle, or is it too heavy?
what caliber did you go with?


ETA: I already have reliable rifles in .223, .308, and .300WM. The Tikka was a gift from my mother, and I wanted something new. Topped it with a 4.5-14X40 from Schmalts. Very nice rifle that will serve me well for years to come.
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