Yeti GOBOX Collection

Yes....another which caliber

Seriously? Your 1st year rifle hunting and you're going to lay out $4 figures on a rifle that critically limits your cartridge options? Coupon, or not, at that price point you have too many other options to limit yourself that narrowly.

Just off the top of my head, here's a short list of cartridges you've excluded that absolutely will fill your requirements and ALL can be had for 1/2 the $$$$. Spend the rest on a really good scope.

7mm RM
300 WM
338 Fed

You could even go semi custom with a wildcat !
Seriously? Your 1st year rifle hunting and you're going to lay out $4 figures on a rifle that critically limits your cartridge options? Coupon, or not, at that price point you have too many other options to limit yourself that narrowly.

Just off the top of my head, here's a short list of cartridges you've excluded that absolutely will fill your requirements and ALL can be had for 1/2 the $$$$. Spend the rest on a really good scope.

7mm RM
300 WM
338 Fed

You could even go semi custom with a wildcat !

Great advice. Could spend the extra $ on a great scope, binos, and tripod.
We have 6.5, .308, and .300WM. The .308 came first.

ETA: If I knew I was going to be shooting at an elk I would carry the .300. No reason not to. It weighs the same as the others, is very accurate, and carries a boatload of energy. More is better.
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Great advice. Could spend the extra $ on a great scope, binos, and tripod.

Good thinking. The rifle is just one piece of the puzzle, and there are plenty of great rifles that are priced very reasonably. We have Savage and Tikka. Plenty good for what we do.
Good thinking. The rifle is just one piece of the puzzle, and there are plenty of great rifles that are priced very reasonably. We have Savage and Tikka. Plenty good for what we do.

Apparently good enough for Meateater crew and Howa for Randy too.
If you run a 140 grain 3100 fps out of the PRC, it carries the same ft-lbs of energy out past 700yd as a 300 win with 180 grain @ 3,000fps.
That being said, I like 30cal holes when it comes to elk personally.
Seriously? Your 1st year rifle hunting and you're going to lay out $4 figures on a rifle that critically limits your cartridge options? Coupon, or not, at that price point you have too many other options to limit yourself that narrowly.

Just off the top of my head, here's a short list of cartridges you've excluded that absolutely will fill your requirements and ALL can be had for 1/2 the $$$$. Spend the rest on a really good scope.

7mm RM
300 WM
338 Fed

You could even go semi custom with a wildcat !

Actually, I think this is the best advice on this thread so far.
BC and trajectory are impressive on a 6.5 but how much energy do they have down range? Although it was the original sniper gun, A .308 trajectory is pretty underwhelming.

Sure any caliber can kill an elk with a well placed shot, but things go sideways in a hurry in real world situations.
Accidentally put it too far back or a little high with a 300 and your chances of recovery are much higher than with a smaller rifle.

My first elk was with a .308 and I’ve killed one with a 243 and a lot with a bow, but when deciding what is ‘best’ for a rifle hunt I always like the big gun.
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If you run a 140 grain 3100 fps out of the PRC, it carries the same ft-lbs of energy out past 700yd as a 300 win with 180 grain @ 3,000fps.
That being said, I like 30cal holes when it comes to elk personally.

Is that ballistic statement actually true? It does not seem like that could be possible but I cannot refute it. Just seems odd to me.
Seriously? Your 1st year rifle hunting and you're going to lay out $4 figures on a rifle that critically limits your cartridge options? Coupon, or not, at that price point you have too many other options to limit yourself that narrowly.

Just off the top of my head, here's a short list of cartridges you've excluded that absolutely will fill your requirements and ALL can be had for 1/2 the $$$$. Spend the rest on a really good scope.

7mm RM
300 WM
338 Fed

You could even go semi custom with a wildcat !

I agree 100%, this is good advise! Please educate me some more as to what a really good scope, and rifle combo. I'm just trying to keep my ammo cost to around $30 per box. I know enough about rifles to know most need either stock upgrades and or trigger upgrades, (some rifles need both) but I am totally open to thoughts.
Is that ballistic statement actually true? It does not seem like that could be possible but I cannot refute it. Just seems odd to me.

I don't know about that caliber specifically, but for all the 6.5 calibers that can be true. At very long distances with cherry picked loads to compare. At 150 yards? No comparison.
Is that ballistic statement actually true? It does not seem like that could be possible but I cannot refute it. Just seems odd to me.

I ran this through my Sierra Infinity. I didn't adjust any environmental parameters just used the default. used a .264 140 grain Accubond at 3100 and a 180 grain Accubond at 3000. Energy at 700 for the 6.5 is 1192 ft/lbs. For the .300 it is 1411 ft/lbs. The .300 carries more out to 1000, as far as I ran it. Not a heck of a lot of difference. mtmuley
I ran this through my Sierra Infinity. I didn't adjust any environmental parameters just used the default. used a .264 140 grain Accubond at 3100 and a 180 grain Accubond at 3000. Energy at 700 for the 6.5 is 1192 ft/lbs. For the .300 it is 1411 ft/lbs. The .300 carries more out to 1000, as far as I ran it. Not a heck of a lot of difference. mtmuley

Awesome, thanks. I interpret that as not being the same energy as the 300 given the 300 is almost 20% greater than the 6.5, but others may interpret that differently. I would consider similar energy to be less than 10% difference.
Tikka T3x SS, .308, DNZ 1" mount, 6x fixed Leupold with LRD reticle. Precious little to go wrong there for a new hunter, cheap and varied ammo, decent stock, great trigger, scope that will hold zero and get you to 500-ish if desired. Around $1000 all up.
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I agree 100%, this is good advise! Please educate me some more as to what a really good scope, and rifle combo. I'm just trying to keep my ammo cost to around $30 per box. I know enough about rifles to know most need either stock upgrades and or trigger upgrades, (some rifles need both) but I am totally open to thoughts.

As far as ammo, Federal Fusions can't be beat for a lower end price point. The last box of .308 I bought was around $22. They fly great and kill very well. My wife shoots them sub-moa out of her Ruger American .308. I killed a lot of animals with them and all of my rifles liked them. I'm hand loading 30-06 Nosler Accubonds now and still have some 25-06 ballistic tip hand loads laying around. After the initial investment in loading gear, hand loading can save money in the long run if you shoot a lot. You can get blemished Nosler bullets from shooter's pro shop for a steal if you decide to reload. If not, Fusions, Core Lockts, and Federal Blue boxes are all relatively inexpensive. Out of the 3 I would recommend Fusions from personal experience in using all 3. But, when it all comes down to it...your rifle will decide what it likes to shoot, whether it's $22 a box or $40...shoot different ones and see what shoots best. You might luck out with the first box, but it might take a couple like my 25-06 did.
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MTBowhunter542, now it sounds like you've opened it up to the whole Chevy vs Ford vs ........ How much experience do you have shooting rifles? Just like in trucks, there are lots of good rifle/scope combos. Rifles may not be anything new to you, I know guys who shoot a lot and rarely rifle hunt, but it might be good to meet up with someone and get to shoot a few different guns first.
I have shot alot of rifles in the past. Just never hunted with one.
Not trying to start a never ending debate thread. Just trying to learn something. If there are better options in my budget, I'm just trying to keep an own mind.
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